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Ok loh
It is great.
because of 胡杏兒 I did not watch the show for the 2 weeks, because of the comments, I  watch the first episode than I love the show.
還okay, not as bad as I thought it would be! But 胡杏兒 acting is just plain bad acting, she performs so terrible, I almost QUIT watching the drama because of it. 公仔箱論壇0 s- ]/ ^- w$ H
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。& }" c5 h! A; R  y
However, 李詩韻 looks so cute in it, it was hard for me to watch 胡杏兒's part(coz her FAKE acting), anyhow I keep watching it till 胡杏兒 show up, then can go to toilet or check email with my phone; I would say I enjoy watching the whole drama EXCEPT for 胡杏兒's part.
Thanks for sharing,還可以..not really bad lah!
還okay, not as bad as I thought it would be! But 胡杏兒 acting is just plain bad acting, she performs so terrible, I almost QUIT watching the drama because of it. / @$ Z" L+ ]* r3 z# t, W& e

7 z+ y  h* l) P8 eHowever, 李詩韻 looks so cute in it ...
/ T8 p! ~9 U* L3 c) Y+ \os.tvboxnow.comahharoger 發表於 2012-1-31 10:45 AM
/ w9 ^- _, ]: S' u0 L$ K; j$ y: y+ c

" r# n: q  H8 a, M! P4 cTVB got no actress ... so 胡杏兒 is the only choice. LOL.
) f7 O2 P* j2 O/ x  U
. R' z3 w1 |4 M) v% e: |. D公仔箱論壇I totally agreed with "ahharoger". 李詩韻 is far more better than 胡杏兒. These day .. no choice ..every series u will see  胡杏兒. ~~><~~
起初不習慣, 看久了就OK, so good