捷克藝術家大衛.塞爾尼(David Cerny)從荷蘭購入一台1957年的雙層巴士,並為其裝上兩隻手臂以及一個電動馬達,使身為倫敦象徵的傳統雙層巴士增添趣味,他將此最新的藝術作品取名為「舉高倫敦」(London Boosted),放置在位於倫敦的捷克奧運大樓外(Czech Olympic House)。
Fitting: A traditional bus has been transformed into a mechanical sculpture of an athlete doing push-ups
Taking a ride: Artist David Cerny works on the London bus he has converted into a robotic sculpture
Big push: Workers check the giant hydraulic arms on the converted London bus
Job well done: Cerny stands back and surveys his giant artwork, which is named London Boosted
Work in progress: The Czech artist built the sculpture in a factory in Prague
Celebration: Cerny, watching the scuplture's assembly from a chair at the Prague factory, hopes the bus athlete will become an unofficial mascot of the London 2012 Games
Unusual: The 1957 London bus, bought from an owner in the Netherlands, has been fitted with huge arms and an electrical engine
Controversial: David Cerny has enraged politicians and poked fun at rival artists with previous works
In the red: Two workers paint a hand for the bus sculpture
Men at work: A factory worker welds the hydraulics for one of the athlete's arms to the bus
Sparks fly: David Cerny cuts a component for his impressive sculpture
Rear view: Two workers prepare to paint the back of the bus
Grand plans: Cerny has described his project as 'very ironic'
Overhaul: The six-tonne bus has been transformed to mark the Games in London, which begin on Friday |