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該面對的 我絕不逃避
該捨去的 我絕不留戀
- -點解犯人可以喺監牢外走來走去。。。。。。。坑爹呢
5 l1 `# t% B6 k5 _+ s! m6 Gtvb now,tvbnow,bttvblksddss 發表於 2011-9-10 02:06 PM
- i' ]* E3 e( R% ^6 d- \+ B公仔箱論壇
2 F$ A6 k: A; f( g3 a/ u8 d. H+ n% dos.tvboxnow.comwhich means that is not a criminal, is either a cops or Laughing's ghost within him.
白痴结局,白痴编剧! 早知不看结局算了!好想杀掉那个编剧。。。。
ending still ok ok only...but just don't know who is the guy walking pass laughing in the locker...got part 2 coming???
结局给laughing太不好~~哎~~  madam 又走了   变节电影版也走了~~  不知道导演系到林咩噶
i agree, he is an uc, there are hundreds of excuses they can make to cover lup laughing  for killing michael, it doesn't make sense that he is charge for life sentence.
本帖最後由 walkermoon 於 2011-9-10 10:22 PM 編輯
$ b8 r" j3 p0 G0 s- Jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbos.tvboxnow.com8 c; ]$ u) d. K$ p
6 z+ O( M0 S, ~tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb而跛CO又証遽確鑿,
$ [7 e) c: ]6 k! }' T5 y' w公仔箱論壇使唔使咁做
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本帖最後由 winstonlove 於 2011-9-11 07:19 AM 編輯
/ B# `, W( w% P* C! s& @8 p
+ I+ O6 M6 k7 U- ~$ oos.tvboxnow.com大结局laughing冇左madam jo,可能編劇意思想帶出令人有盪氣迴腸感覺