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非常同意..記得多年前一個有錢人響農村開車撞死左個女孩, 這人渣竟然控告女孩家庭話個女孩整花佢部車...
人性本不瘋狂, 環境卻令人瘋狂, 悲哉..
昨晚台北(?)有醉漢睡倒街頭,好幾輛車都沒停繞著駕駛過去。是你你要停嗎? 搞不好是假喝醉真搶劫呢。。。


1. 两岁孩子是无知的,照顾孩子完全是父母的责任

再来司机要负上疏忽责任,讲电话赶时间,知道撞到人还踩油逃跑,但这司机算还有人性,会主动联络孩子父母,在好多撞后逃的事件中, 有几多个还理得你生或死?

2. 惹事司机应付上撞后逃的全部责任


3. 第2个司机也应付上一定的责任

最后来到社会问题,不是路人甲乙丙丁,是18个,有者路人、骑电单车、驾三轮电单车、带小孩的母亲,为什么他们视而不见?真是冷血到连人命也不顾? 现今世界可以理解的是,大家都秉持着多一事不如少一事,事不关己,己不用心!问问你自己的良心,不是吗?不是不想去帮,而是怕惹祸上身!

4. 社会的变迁造就人们的冷漠无情

你是冷血途人嗎? - 曾志豪


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Thank you all for the great responses; I would really appreciate the insight from those who are currently living in  China, or those who have a good understanding of the present day Chinese social psyche.
A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow.
本帖最後由 kimmi8k 於 2011-10-20 11:36 AM 編輯
你会发现呢样事情同每日要食饭一样甘平常 ...
lhy92725 發表於 2011-10-19 07:45 PM
The bigger the country, the greater the social, economy, n polital issues. Ranging from political funds, social funds, welfare, medicals n school aids, child care, old aged etc..etc.,which interlinked with business n economics sadly to mention.  

There is no dead end lines to draw. New issues toppled each day before old ones are resolved, adding to more complexity n
difficulty to come over with a resolution n solution. On top of that, society is craved in with bribes, malfunction, deceits, within
the high flyers. all powerful n rich.

Everything multiplied n magnified in accordance to your wealth n power ..poverty n possesions.  The ratio is math...no pain no gain, something comes something goes..selfless is a fairy tale, generosity n compassion is vaguely recognised, ...conscience has becomed a stranger in the dark.

Social attitudes and habits usually takes on the easiest path and adapts to the comfortable choice for the present moment, and calculate the odds as it comes. Who cares what happened to our neighbor!!!!  

Gone are the days where u don't have to lock your cars or your front doors at home. I remember vaguely, when I was a little child, grandma took me with her to see some of her relatives in some village in Malaysia. Where u can hardly see a car. Now when I reminincenced, how privileged it is then it was that every family have their front doors open n not locked. The housewives n children can be seen around sitting in front of the house or playing n greeting each other, catch up w a little gossip, sharing n helping each other on trival matters.

Much appreciation to throw us much light on the conditions of China. Do keep us updated with interesting stuffs, n thank you for your kind n generous information.
I do wish this tragedy will arouse the society leaders to really find out what is wrong in most citizens now under their sovereignty. Why their mentality is corrupted to such extent and what environment and education they are now living in that make them so inhuman and immoral? Not to mention that no immediate helping hands were given by those passed by, I wonder any one of them did think it is our moral duty as citizens to seek help from police and cry out for helps from all sources available.

Though I am not living in Mainland China, I do think it is indeed a great lesson for all Chinese to learn and to reflect on ourselves.  It is very sad to say our Mainland China is still an under-developed country with many many aspects for improvement............

Having said that, I do wish all Chinese, the great majority of which are normal and kind in nature, will render their helping hands to improve our country and take all positive means to nurture our youngsters of future. Hopefully through improvement in education, the Government of China will make great changes in coming years.

GOD bless yue yue and our mother land.
本帖最後由 kimmi8k 於 2011-10-20 09:36 PM 編輯


如果要怪/问责,首先一定不是那18个路人,因为事情的发生为意外,意外的造成是两岁的受害者走出马路,马路如虎口,如果受害者是22 ...
cck_my 發表於 2011-10-20 12:01 AM [/quote

Maybe the law should play tough on learner's license and driver's and offenders who break the traffic laws.

Quota License each year n tough passing grades w tough officers
Expensive point deductions,  Fine plus  community work hours for light offenders without court appeal

Perhaps alot of the drivers, have obtained a bribed license without passing the driving exam...looking
at the ignorant driving traffic manners n attitude eh!!!

Clearly, IPhone n Blackberry n Androids are more for personal entertaining and fun rather then emergency call or important purposes.  No wonder, so many is willing to pay expensive hi tech phones, the crazy chase for the latest hit model on the market.
Thanks to the ad people and marketing personnel's for hard selling, and up selling the public image of its purpose. It's publicity have certainly justified its cause perhaps.

The trend of the 'air' is other person's problem not my worry or care..." Si Butt Kuan Kei, Kei Butt Low Sum" (Cantonese), that's the Asian social attitude.  N it is quite traditional custom n culture of the east, especially Chinese to draw oneself away from a crime or trouble scene so as not to get oneself in questioning with the law authorities or police. Always, try not to be involved with any matters of affairs that seem questioning trouble and touchy.

It is easy for society to forget one's religion, and roots but habit and custom is deeply rooted in the tradition n culture in each family n household coz they grew up watching, learning n believing it and since then has adapted, adopted and became a part of living existence like a parasite leaching to a living being for the means of survival n existence with the name This Is Life wor..so life is like this wor...so what ah Life is not fair ah...so then Fair is only within oneself la...only tried to stay away from trouble..anything wrong ke??!!!

....so social moral has retrogressed....fallen into the deepest hollow where its value n worth has little meaning, like the coldest night air and the darkest  pathway
She has gone to be with God. She will never shed another tear, will never feel pain again. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to all who loved this child.
Infinity is the Limit for me
本帖最後由 kimmi8k 於 2011-10-20 10:01 PM 編輯
She has gone to be with God. She will never shed another tear, will never feel pain again. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to all who loved this child.
bchew 發表於 2011-10-20 09:33 PM
Well, there is the theory that explained why incidents or accidents or events happened and how did the conditions occured and what that created the occurance.

In Buddhism, everything is there for a reason n a purpose. For all that happened and existed there's a cause and effect, created from present, past and future karma.  

So in other words, the little child, the parents, drivers, passer by, spectators, whether they look on, or helped or ignored, endangered. killed...etc., all participated some kind of causal acts and shared some similar karma and effect is with timing.

When the time is ripened its cause and effect of the karmas would take is caused to reflect the karma created..goodness or evil,

debts or repayments, kindness or hatred etc etc....

When a karma is created, the cause n effect will ripened with its own time ...creating the conditions, and grounds for it to materialise

and events to happen.