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[旅遊資訊] 加拿大雜貨店華人店主擊退兩搶匪

本帖最後由 gy3chin 於 2012-6-10 10:34 PM 編輯

The wife could be legally liable for use of  excessive force during that citizen arrest, all caught on camera!
女人真的不可以得罪!! 連踢了好幾下窩
There are times where you must take the law into your own hands. Since cops are useless.
The wife could be legally liable for use of  excessive force during that citizen arrest, all caught on camera!
Dawhitestig 發表於 2012-6-13 02:40 AM
Even though the thiefs didn't attack her, they attempted roberry in her store, so she's only acting in self-defense to protect her property. Which means she won't get in trouble.
Good for them..
but in canada, sometimes if u fight back and u injured the thief, u end up getting sued lol
didn't it happen a few years back?  also in a chinese grocery store in toronto where an owner get sued because he caught the thieves and tried to tie them up.... i forgot the exact story.. but turned out the owner got sued!! What an irony!!
good share man
好野...真英雄 !!!
Very brave. but probably not a good idea
Good for them..