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day of birth(幾號生日)
% ]8 c, R- u8 @% J$ P4 o3 c  d公仔箱論壇
7 ?1 N: t6 Z5 J5 l% t5 Y  Pos.tvboxnow.commonth of birth: (幾月出生)公仔箱論壇: d/ {' K( B' u5 h3 a+ d6 X* P9 u# V

/ X) J2 M8 i, C- {( d' `! C$ r  U, ]year of birth: (邊一年出生)
& N4 N! O$ U5 J
9 ~+ y. W$ u+ Z/ V! K9 Wos.tvboxnow.com***: (性別) male. 男; female.女:/ C* U2 h& N- G7 o
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb: w7 Q. D; i, U" x, J0 x' B
mode: 生活狀態) normal(一般) pessimistic(悲觀) sadistic(傷感) optimistic(樂觀)
# l9 [  I0 W+ M1 t' d! F& |3 l1 B! W7 }. k# h
bim: 選<25噶數字... .. (距果度會有得比你揀噶!)
& [7 {4 y& L) y. c+ C7 `tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb公仔箱論壇! z& U8 ?1 z3 J- R: N) M& m
Smoking status:有冇食煙. .. smoker有食: nor-smoker冇食
# F: Q6 B' l" qos.tvboxnow.com
, R# K. ]0 K  q! c全部搞掂你就按下下面果個製: Check your Dseth clock (哩個丫)
$ q$ k9 Q! ?. ]* ktvb now,tvbnow,bttvb& S5 R4 \, C% s# u) q* N/ G
跟住距會彈出一個窗口,距就會話比你知你系邊一年.邊一日.星期幾會死.. 跟住距仲有埋個到時器..精確到秒噶...
! z% D7 f: Y: ?# Z0 M# R公仔箱論壇os.tvboxnow.com1 w1 X/ w* V7 \" j$ |. b+ k" f

/ Z) g9 y* h' otvb now,tvbnow,bttvbTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。, }0 l5 v: e& ^
信唔信好啊..?? 勁邪...~
2 F3 J9 v2 l1 a0 @9 H, gos.tvboxnow.com 0 f, K7 L! @$ Q
i'm October,2058
& a, P' k* P2 q( B! i, m, y
: B% |' K6 m2 {3 ?os.tvboxnow.comhow about u!!!
' S' A" Z# a" A. R2 c4 V7 ?0 kos.tvboxnow.com
5 f4 b; Z- }, M! k* ~6 Htvb now,tvbnow,bttvb[ 本帖最後由 christy79 於 2007-8-18 12:08 AM 編輯 ]
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omg~我可以活到2079年!!!好像太久了吧 就来一百岁了
臨 兵 鬥 者 皆 陣 列 在 前
thx for sharing!!!
Your personal day of death is..............; F  q0 W1 r, X) A- q% d1 ^# p
Monday , January 5 , 2043公仔箱論壇! _( C  x$ c& m" j) M/ _

5 }9 a. k  W2 a; J' ~6 g公仔箱論壇 公仔箱論壇8 P+ O, O( [1 ~/ s& X+ c

0 k* |5 q9 t/ }( K8 k& fos.tvboxnow.com

嘩!!!變 態!!!睇到都反胃 點食呀!!!!!!!!!!!
this is life... is it!? take easy on it.Fack! :024: I dont give it a shit~~~!!!! How could I die next year~~!!! tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb8 `* f# h+ y8 t3 I0 r7 h; p
I'm booldy young.... dont do that too me ple..... I'm really love my life...   has got lot things still waiting 4 me 2 do, 2 try, 2 touch out that...   
* y' F& J/ w* r1 fos.tvboxnow.com 8 l& N6 V4 N+ g, U) X4 m+ L
I dont believe it~~~!!! wow..
:019: :019:
Wednesday, August 6, 2064  TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。7 D, E/ E& C6 Z