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韩国新版教科书:山东属于韩国 孔子是韩国人!?

( h2 E7 L- n; z* Etvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
2 L& i& }$ G1 g9月28日,是孔子诞辰2557周年,大陆与台湾同时举行了祭孔大典。而在此前的9月26日,一组韩国祭孔大典的图片也成为各大门户网站的头条。抢在中国之前大规模宣传自己的祭孔活动,韩国人的用意又何在呢? os.tvboxnow.com: P! T1 t5 `) Q: _0 P
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 h4 b5 J3 {& `. p
# B7 R! p. c) D$ Q" _: [7 k$ c& F8 }os.tvboxnow.comTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。9 ?  O2 `9 j5 B# d8 S# h
只要你仔细研究一下韩国人祭孔的资料,就会发现他们一直在强调正宗。看过韩国人的祭孔视频,再来对照中国的祭孔视频,大部分人都会得出韩国人的典礼好像更正统,更高尚的感觉。韩国人的祭孔好像总和中国的对着干,你们穿满清的长袍马褂,我就穿正统的汉服;你们的仪式变来变去没有定式,我们却遵循的是古礼一成不变;你们在文革中将孔子批倒批臭,我们却尊孔几百年不变;你们的祭孔大典往往是政府主导活动,我们的祭孔却是二百多所乡校同时进行的全国性活动! % U3 E3 @% d( V: x* ]
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。  J4 G( l1 J* q1 g/ J! w6 ]
4 y& M/ q/ ]' C0 T3 N9 Y6 Gos.tvboxnow.com
4 r$ q* }) x2 x" n/ u相比之下前两年中国的祭孔确实让人有点寒心,猪屁股对着孔子的笑话,长袍马褂太监装的闹剧等等,层出不穷。今天的祭孔幸好有五粮液这样实力雄厚有儒商思想的企业相助,才不致于出现以前祭孔由于没钱而租京剧戏装的窘境,用五粮液祭酒也确实符合中国五谷祭祀的正统,“杯底五谷杯上液”的礼制。然而韩国在国际上对祭孔的推广已经走在了前面,而且在过去的年代中国对孔子文化的毁坏也确实令人寒心,这使我们在韩国人面前总显得低人一头。
2 {: O, L0 P$ ~" r; g0 q1 a0 E( LTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! G  F, T0 I7 s& V7 e$ ]( {  X- s+ P* d
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* }+ z0 a* P4 c) B公仔箱論壇韩国人论证孔子是韩国人还有这样的论据:朝鲜半岛最早建立政权的是商朝贵族箕子。箕子是商朝纣王的亲戚,西周武王伐纣。箕子不愿意接受西周统治。于是率领5000名商朝人逃跑到朝鲜半岛和辽东半岛,建立了政治难民国家—箕子朝鲜。而商朝大部分人都留在了中国,分布在西周封建的宋卫等多个国家。宋国的第一个国君就是箕子的亲戚—微子。孔子是宋国贵族后代,当然也就是韩国祖宗箕子的后代了。
) l8 j6 `6 H- v+ E" J! `1 n) h6 b8 wtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
3 A" M/ S7 M! K( ~, x/ M) _os.tvboxnow.com在中国人看来,这种八竿子才打的着的关系,无疑可笑又可耻,但对于看这种历史教科书长大的韩国人来说,无疑是天经地义。所以将祭孔大典申请世界文化遗产才会得到这么多韩国人的支持,韩国人才会理直气壮的发出“孔子是我们的”的豪论了。
5 W) O: g& R+ _TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。- t$ o: i' d9 a5 r
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然而这时我们中国人在干什么?在网上就该不该祭孔吵的不亦乐乎,而总有那一部分中国人,热衷于用各种不堪的语言来讽刺挖苦孔子和儒家文化。从文革打倒孔家店到现在,我们又有什么资格说,比起韩国,我们的儒家文化更为正统更为全民? TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。: q( u) L% S7 @7 r

* \: h0 ?, [7 z公仔箱論壇不肖子孙要将祖宗拱手送给外国人了,孔子的灵魂在天上痛哭失声。
The Koreans have been struggling in their own identify crisis for centuries.  Their search for a cultural "essence" always involves serious contradictions. The literature of Korean cultural distinction is strikingly similar to Japanese attempts to prove the "uniqueness" of their own cultural heritage, although "proof" of Japan's uniqueness is usually drawn from examples of Western countries (the significant "other" for modernized Japanese). So it all depends on who the boss is and the political whirlwinds can shift rapidly.  Since the early 1970s, Seoul's policy governing the teaching and use of Chinese characters has shifted several times, although the trend clearly has been toward writing in han'gul alone. By early 1990, all but academic writing used far fewer Chinese characters than was the case in the 1960s. In 1989 the Korean Language and Education Research Association, citing the need for Chinese character literacy "at a time when the nation is entering into keen competition with Japan and China" and noting that Japanese educators were increasing the number of Chinese characters taught in elementary schools, recommended to the Ministry of Education that instruction in Chinese characters be reintroduced at the primary-school level.  No doubt they was an influx of Shantung exodus to Korea after 1949 and settled down to avoid communist persecution.  These "kwagui", some now being the third generation born there, are not treated as part of the mainstream society.  This situation is similar to the Koreans born and live in Japan now are being treated as criminals.  Those Yakuza in Osaka are mostly Korean descent and they are constantly harassed by the Japanese law enforcement.  When they travel, they have to obtain passport from Korea and not Japan tho they were born and raised there.  All these nonsense were actually started by, ye you got it brother, the Japanese.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。( O( v6 D2 s3 P$ q: m# z

# Q2 L( S3 b6 V" D公仔箱論壇So ultimately if we must blame somebody, it's the Japanese that gave the Koreans the idea. I est my case. Amen!
哈哈,无所谓,我们泱泱大国却只谦称“中”,小国才这么自大,大日本、大韩……。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ y' _5 ^7 ]5 e/ ~! Y) [- ?
9 b* L/ `8 a0 g" d
RE:  Upstairs ... 我们泱泱大国却只谦称“中”
( a5 o+ O" p% E9 i% j3 @
! n- H  t6 r  i5 zos.tvboxnow.comThink you've mistaken the character “中”  here.  China was called "Zhong Guo" because in the old days Emperor Chin (the first emperor) was so powerful in Asia, countries in Europe knew there was such a powerful emperor in the center of the world and he was the head of that "Central Kingdom."  China was considered the center of civilization.  So the character “中” actually means "center" and not "middle."! I: c* s  u* w8 \- p7 D* Q5 ~. {
os.tvboxnow.com/ z# ]& r1 s! o. b
China was first named by Europeans during the Chin dynasty.  At that time Spain was the most powerful country in Europe with the best Naval sea going fleet.  All Spanish words have gender, either male or female.  Bad things are always feminine, like "drug" is "druga" and not "drugo."  Spanish are rather chauvinistic and anything they don't like or jealous of will automatically considered feminine.  Thus the Central Kingdom was named "China" instead of "Chino."
( ]9 }/ \' Q2 d& ros.tvboxnow.com公仔箱論壇; A$ C* p% K% P% [# Q
So if you think China is a "泱泱大国", then we should learn history and the truth before anybody else.  No wonder some "Lao huai" can speak better Putonghua than Chinese.;P
Now that you've learned, you can start educating the others...  
) q! Q. W5 a/ i4 ~( CTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。, U3 L9 |8 o. `7 N. L1 G  |8 P3 g; Y: n

9 t3 D* B6 s9 ]# p0 O: N. kos.tvboxnow.com"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."  - Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
韓國係咪近得日本多...呀...( v/ `7 e% W# G4 m7 l6 w