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I agree with you. I just saw the first episode, in fact the first 10 minutes and I had to stop it. TVB has not moved on at all.
7 Q8 l! _6 J/ ?( Q' YFor example, the special cop with the binoculars was looking out of a window which is above his head but the angle of his view of the building across the road is from above!!!! How can that be? He didn't have a chair or something to step up.
) v* n% R. l2 Ytvb now,tvbnow,bttvbPlot is so far rubbish.
+ m5 f1 ?7 z& }5 G( r+ ^+ q: Atvb now,tvbnow,bttvbThe robber dropped a grenade and it exploded within feet of the female cop and she survived. What kind of people does TVB has to write scripts? A bunch of boys???
) W. g8 |: m" }0 }/ g, @tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbIs so bad it is laughable.
chating show same style
0 y8 ?# g- k3 k) Zos.tvboxnow.comchasing car show same style
- x" S- i- p- o. ]following car show same style
# i: A, i2 X* u8 f* j' {6 K$ X* RTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。c4 seem like 100 pound jus explore the ball room
3 `# W% ^8 |8 c, \shooting show seem like shit. ?, F# m* i2 O% V2 M. `
omg.... i hv to stop it...
When you got complaints on the frontline staff, you have to look at the managers at the back. This is the basic principle of management.( b; q5 R1 b5 V& s. I3 B

: W5 i/ j' Z3 P7 O* HWe have so many rubbish drama going on at TVB now because the TOP MANAGEMENT IS DOING NOTHING.
% A4 Y6 t' n* e$ Z" {公仔箱論壇
: h1 B1 I7 \! B- b3 g公仔箱論壇大海航行靠舵手. Changing the CEO of TVB will shake everything up. Producers, script writers, directors and actors/actress will take things seriously.
totally agreed.
' A% ?$ @0 ?. {* C3 k# Hthat is the worst i even see in TVB.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb* B- P/ v; ^& x3 Q. i! {7 Z+ a

& W/ x+ ~( R, H$ d& Q- N公仔箱論壇waste my time and good for making me sleeping.