本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2013-4-15 09:50 PM 編輯 os.tvboxnow.com6 C4 X! K, V. O4 A
, P1 y: m. ]- N. c! Y, F6 d' X" }' R公仔箱論壇【am偵查】起碼頭變起樓 解放軍先「佔」中環
' d" w0 k: k: g
; f' X; K) `3 u P, Y6 } DTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。; C- }6 J0 X; R1 g9 ]3 v
公仔箱論壇0 \% \( h8 `0 [4 V: {
【am730訊】發展局長陳茂波昨日在網誌以「攜手締造我們的美麗海濱」為題,讚揚政府的維港兩岸大型優化海濱工程,尤其中環連接添馬公園海濱長廊已連接,市民可隨意直達港畔,享受海濱景緻。但他並無提及,市民實情並非如此「隨意」,因政府早已計劃將解放軍中環軍營對出150米海旁變成軍事碼頭,更推翻之前與共建維港委員會達成的共識,由興建間歇性軍事碼頭,變成永久性軍事用地,還附加可建3層樓高建築物的高度限制。城規會的諮詢今日截止,立法會議員及保護維港專家批評,政府猶如將市民完全擁有港畔的承諾推翻,且一旦實施,不排除以軍事機密需要,日後禁足市民走近。公仔箱論壇, g# P& `; M ]* @
記者:簡淑明 攝影:林振東
3 X* o$ e5 Q; Z公仔箱論壇
) z, L5 Q, W) }- \; G& M3 D7 v. STVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 興建中環軍事碼頭,早於《1994年中英防衛用地協議》已有提及,「港府將於威爾斯親王軍營附近預留150米的永久海傍,供97年後軍事碼頭之用。」回歸後,即使填海引發法律爭議,房屋及規劃地政局04年公布《引用終院訂立的「凌駕性公眾需要」測試準則檢討中區填海第三期工程》中亦仍重申建軍事碼頭的必要性,表示「與解放軍磋商後,碼頭必須建於中環軍營前面,除了150米長的碼頭之外,還需要在碼頭兩端預留兩條各75米長而直的進出口航道,以便軍艦靠泊………當碼頭不再是軍事用途時,可讓市民進入其範圍。」
. j" W( [% L) f- hTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
/ E+ z0 z0 W6 e4 t4 G當時因有多個保護維港團體反對,自此建碼頭一事便拖延下去。至今年2月,規劃署突再向城規會提出修改用途(上圖),為期兩個月,諮詢今日截止。其中兩大修訂要點是:「把解放軍總部以北一幅海旁土地由休憩用地地帶修訂為其他指定用途註明『軍事用地』地帶;第二項是城規會再修訂該『軍事用地』地帶上加入10米的建築物高度限制。」tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb, `; V! S8 C( D, h
1 I+ e8 J3 h X4 l# `立法會議員陳家洛(右圖)發現,規劃署將碼頭改作永久需要,還可以起樓,而事實上,議程並未通過,150米長的碼頭早已建成,一個個供軍艦泊岸減少撞擊的船舶氣囊亦已準備,還附加一條闊10米、長60米的通道由碼頭橫穿高速公路直達軍營。「我翻查《中區(擴展部分)分區計劃大綱草圖》裡面有提及,為方便解放軍車輛來往碼頭及軍營,該處會設有訊號燈、有電閘,還有特別行人系統讓市民暢順經過,而最新修訂本,無咗行人系統。我去信問陳茂波,點解會設有訊號燈同電閘、個行人系統無咗係咪即係市民無得暢順地經過?」
( A; L D" L$ T H w! ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvbTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。. J% b( m( t" g" y5 _
陳更發現,十年前拓展署在軍事碼頭的招標工程中,早有該通道的設計圖,還打算設置有3米高的圍欄擬將通道分隔起來。「依家佢話適當時候會開俾市民用,咁幾時係適當時候?幾時係唔適當?會唔會變咗市民參觀軍營一樣,一年只會開一次?」 E- p8 X$ w; s, d
9 g n1 X3 _/ y: M7 K# k6 p. F
諮詢未完 解放軍碼頭已近完工3 M+ G- v2 {7 @5 v4 P4 P
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。/ x! x, h5 g. Q6 k! x/ s
! Y) ^7 l8 W, F) {1 C8 D+ \# QTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。另一個角度看解放軍碼頭,已建有幾幢樓房,和一個拱形的石屎架。資料及圖:獨立媒體 os.tvboxnow.com5 h: \+ a* e* e/ Z
4 r# H8 n. p9 p. Q公仔箱論壇 TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。5 O1 F: f4 _5 ^3 X( g( N8 M
據香港獨立媒體報道,更改土地用途的諮詢期尚未完結,中環海傍的解放軍碼頭已接近完工。 i! E6 \. x+ H# @) f( d* @
雖然修訂的中區規劃大綱圖的諮詢期今日才截止,但事實上有關用地已經圍起並建有一層高的設施,岸邊已建好泊岸用的護柱,大量的浮波亦已放置在工地。至於連接碼頭與解放軍總部,十八米闊的「軍事通道」亦已鋪好階磚,通道兩旁卻仍是爛地一塊。看來政府在規劃修訂完成之前,已經信心十足,先行興建一系列解放軍碼頭的設施。os.tvboxnow.com! w) r# P3 K' l# R
公仔箱論壇" B$ D/ l8 Z. g6 M
政府在2006年清拆天星碼頭及皇后碼頭後,填海興建中環新海濱,一直標榜「還港於民」,市民可隨意在海濱活動。不過,政府在今2月突然向城規會提交申請,把解放軍中環軍營外一段150米的新海濱,原本是間歇性軍事碼頭的地點,改劃成永久性軍事用地,變相將三萬平方呎中環新海濱土地面績給解放軍使用。有關修改土地用途的諮詢,將會在今日截止,但昨晚《am730》的相關報道在網上流傳後,公眾才得悉事件。公仔箱論壇. g% S+ t5 P/ w6 T+ V5 F' Q
' T; [; \- f/ O% T" @' |$ f( q
& I: |% [4 h* a- \
5 ^) I% m8 h! }# \: W% TTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。他表示,中環對岸的昂船洲南面已興建解放軍海軍基地,用來取代被填平的添馬艦海軍基地,解放軍根本不需要再在中環中心建「軍事碼頭」。朱凱迪又指出,解放軍當年從英軍接收香港超過2,000公頃的軍事用地,使用率一直不高,已有立法會議員要求解放軍釋放土地作民用,但解放軍不單不肯交出低用量軍營,而且還要透過城規會的改劃,霸佔中環的新填海海濱,做法霸道。os.tvboxnow.com# `1 E1 l$ K5 ^' p1 j6 C
- Q- D$ I9 |# e. @
j0 d- m0 P8 Q7 }* i- V( los.tvboxnow.com反對解放軍佔休憩地 司馬文提意見書範本
" N7 i5 ]6 Q8 o3 K1 B7 HTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。公仔箱論壇) E" P0 K8 O# j" D* F7 o( P
公仔箱論壇% q3 g u3 ]( R5 E
1 g( @6 @$ a+ n2 j, Z4 ^$ T
# x6 R2 g. y2 T q* L, Xtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb政府擬將三萬平方呎中環新海濱土地轉為「永久性軍事用地」,交給駐港解放軍使用,有違2006年清拆天星碼頭及皇后碼頭後「還港於民」、興建中環新海濱用地供市民使用的承諾。南區區議員司馬文為此擬定意見書範本,欲向城規會反映意見的市民可於今日午夜前,將意見書發送至[email protected]。* O2 W" c* @% M# K" T/ O% A
7 i9 t- r' \& p4 ]2 W# r& T2 ]意見書中寫道,一旦特首梁振英批准大綱圖的修訂後,解放軍有權興建3層高、共10萬平方呎樓面面積的軍事設施,毋須經城規會批准或公眾諮詢;政府沒有向公眾說明將該區轉為「永久性軍事用地」的理據為何,現時進行的公眾諮詢亦不充份。意見書亦指出,改變該區土地用途,將破壞享譽全球的維港景緻,政府承諾開放予市民享用的海濱空間亦將不復存在。
6 i6 n0 I% O9 L" ]9 ]- Ntvb now,tvbnow,bttvb 公仔箱論壇6 s4 F. ?* E6 J3 L& c5 e u$ Q
意見書總結指,這片區域的土地用途不應改變,應遵循已有方案,將該區發展成公眾「休憩用地」。$ t5 }0 @& r8 o) c. K
os.tvboxnow.com; M9 k% E C# ~9 `
: x& [% o; a" \' ?; F3 P" {TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 第一項,把解放軍總部以北一幅海旁土地由休憩用地地帶,修訂為其他指定用途註明『軍事用地』地帶;tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 P# ]% V. k1 n
第二項,修訂該『軍事用地』地帶上加入10米的建築物高度限制。(城規會文件)TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。1 o; H# w: h2 [- `/ O) _; O
公仔箱論壇* X3 q1 b- F4 b5 v
規劃署不但將由間歇性軍事碼頭,變成永久性軍事用地,碼頭用地還可以興建樓宇。這項新設施距離市民集會的添馬公園或立法會大樓只有200米,剛好攔腰截斷了連接中環至灣仔的海濱長廊。有關修改土地用途的諮詢,將會在今日截止,保育團體呼籲市民把握最後限期提出反對。 H: a8 z9 q& Q
, V1 v; F9 `# T反對中環碼頭改劃為解放軍碼頭 S/H24/8os.tvboxnow.com8 z+ w& P# `: ?" u; A7 u& m
Objection to rezoning for PLA Pier in Central
; y2 s4 s; u# J* S, E0 b& ?$ atvb now,tvbnow,bttvb Chairman and Memberstvb now,tvbnow,bttvb# z- \7 R! G) v, ?8 L2 z
Town Planning Boardtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb( k4 x- t) X! Q
15/F, North Point Government Offices
( P- X, x' ~8 w 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong.
" m# p7 p+ ]7 O( _3 ^1 ~1 D2 ~ Fax: 2877 0245;
1 y6 H8 Y4 j, y0 j# P: ~TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 Email: [email protected]TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。1 i; d6 f+ G# @, C! V7 c# q+ ^
Re: Amendments to the Central District (Extension) Outline Zoning Plan No. S/H24/7 as reflected in the draft No.
# J/ q4 o- o2 E; l1 ^os.tvboxnow.com S/H24/8.os.tvboxnow.com8 A- \4 }5 T: Q5 g0 D: z
公仔箱論壇% @1 y- _% @# r( I( P; d4 K- C
Dear Sirs,
! V; W- b! O, M公仔箱論壇 公仔箱論壇, Y! G7 M5 S( r+ k* ?0 X: c
Herewith I object to the amendments for the following reasons: t R7 C: i9 K. n$ j
8 e; q. V. b# a+ s' Y( OA. The Planning Intentionos.tvboxnow.com( ]7 Z* [" B) }9 ]
The planning intention learned from the Records Leading to Existing Zoning listed out in Paragraph F hereunder has always been to provide for the berthing of military vessels which may occasionally visit Hong Kong while ensuring a minimum adverse impact on the public enjoyment of the new Central Harbourfront as a ‘World-Class Harbourfront’ with an uninterrupted open harbourfront promenade and waterfront gardens.
/ d+ W Q0 ~6 k1 T- ]tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 w3 r- c; }# f# v4 x
B. The Present ‘Open Space’ Zoning
5 k; H9 A$ S- p0 q9 z公仔箱論壇 The present zoning of ‘Open Space’ with the annotation ‘150 m Military Berth (subject to detailed design)’ supports and gives effect to the above planning intention.公仔箱論壇) C, K6 X( j- A4 U" y# Q3 Z
The Government has committed to the ‘detailed design’ with only very minor structures erected on the site. These ensure a minimum adverse impact on the Central Harbourfront and also still allow for a continuous waterfront promenade for public enjoyment.
4 ?! }3 h8 p }7 t& F$ C3 F 5 j3 C: W: O0 i5 C4 d
C. The Proposed New Zoning
4 J9 n+ u4 b+ W, @ KTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 The new zoning proposes ‘Military Use’ on a 30,000 square meter (322,750 sq. ft.) site 150 metres by 20 metres with the right to erect a structure thereon up to 10 metres high and with a further right to apply for minor relaxation of such height restriction.
) {8 M; u9 M0 G. B) ^- Y7 o6 {os.tvboxnow.com Therefore the new zoning will allow a huge structure right on the harbour which can be 3 storeys high with a total gross floor area of 9,000 sq. metres (just under hundred thousand sq. feet). No further application to the Board will be necessary to erect such a structure and the public will have no right to raise any objection thereto.
+ L6 T; m% q E$ E* |3 W+ j/ P/ ?
$ I/ b7 e" X. r4 R" c* ?0 ?os.tvboxnow.comD. No Justification for New Zoningtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb" l- k: |) |- {! q& P6 C
No justification for the proposed change in zoning for ‘military use’ has been provided to the public and the present public consultation is flawed. The public has the right to know why such a huge structure of nearly One Million sq. feet in gross floor area which will cause catastrophic and permanent damage to the Central Harbourfront is needed.
7 ]$ M5 U* |5 z( Q1 k9 {+ ?公仔箱論壇 No need for ‘Military Use’ has been demonstrated. The site is only needed for ‘berthing of military vessels’ and not
6 j6 C, `3 ?( e& |" u7 z公仔箱論壇 ‘military use’ related to the defence of Hong Kong.
8 G7 I9 ?" Q5 c5 m$ F$ } These military facilities needed for a military purpose for the defence of Hong Kong are already provided elsewhere in the harbour and along the harbourfront and do not need to be on this sensitive and environmentally valuable site.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb4 |/ I$ q: C& [" i) K5 d# B
There has been no change to the planning intention set out in Paragraph A above and in any event none has been proposed or can be justified.公仔箱論壇! X( C+ l6 x2 G2 o( c& R$ @5 T
There has been no justification for granting rights to increase the footprint beyond the structures already built. General Circular GN 3/2010 sets out that new facilities which are incompatable with harbourfront enhancement
: U+ _/ ` L5 C& l2 n: i7 Q [, q should not be supported, and where there are no better alternatives the footprint should be kept to a minimum.; `, J% J. q1 }' R$ S/ e
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。1 G5 h3 T4 e% w: q# J
E. Adverse Impact of Re-zoning
4 S" o8 h# Y* H$ S0 A2 g0 O公仔箱論壇 The proposed new zoning will permanently:
: v, Z) ^ e' X 1. Sterilize the most central and sensitive section of the Central Reclamation from public enjoyment;
0 e2 Q# ~, Q5 m# s2 t; F 2. Truncate, interrupt and divert the harbourfront promenade which has been planned to run along the whole of the northern shore of Hong Kong Island. The Government has promised this to the public and has used it as a justification for the Central Reclamation;os.tvboxnow.com4 {- a8 ]# q5 I: s
3. Be visually obtrusive and will down-grade the internationally known Hong Kong waterfront city-scape;
7 t. F5 O' X0 T 4. Destroy and degrade the “World-Class Harbourfront” for Hong Kong which has been promised by the Government.
( |" t: Q) _. W2 y2 f8 m' ? 5. Public right of access and passage is intended with the current zoning, and restricted only when the pier is in use. Under the proposed zoning, control over public right of access will be lost.
& E7 Z2 J% \. `" j公仔箱論壇 6. Under the current zoning the management of the area is with the LCSD or other public body such as a future Harbour Authority. The Military has the right to use the pier for the berthing of military vessels which may occasionally visit Hong Kong, a condition which can easily be managed using established procedures. With the proposed zoning, the management of the entire site becomes permanently a Military right and responsibility, and any agreement on use of the site for public passage and recreation when not in use has not been determined and is likely unenforceable under the Basic Law.
% o" D/ F: Q6 H% @os.tvboxnow.com tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb" r# P/ v% u& G
F. Records Leading to Existing Zoning
+ s0 \" ]( a# R& h4 P% p* K; [TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 I respectfully refer to all documents and records leading to the previous decision of the Town Planning Board (“the Board”) on the existing zoning which are set out hereunder. These documents and records are voluminous and are within the knowledge and possession of the Board or otherwise accessible. In order to save paper, they are not reproduced herein but they are deemed to be incorporated herein by reference." M' W5 k% q9 I! y
The Board has a duty to consider these documents and records in coming to a decision on the proposed change in zoning. I reserve the right to refer to them in any future proceedings as there is a legitimate expectation that such commitments will be complied with.公仔箱論壇. V! x# D- r' \! x) p2 d
1. Government’s previous submissions to the Board supporting the existing zoning;os.tvboxnow.com8 M4 u l, u9 K9 Z1 I2 _
2. Government’s previous public statements regarding this matter;
, c9 h2 C5 ~9 r0 A/ A# d; E* gTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 3. The records of Government’s meetings with the Legislative Council, its panels, committees and members on the planned uses and existing zoning;& o J+ Z; V! U" B1 M5 ]% _
4. The records of Government’s meetings with the Harbourfront Enhancement Committee, Harbourfront Commission, and their respective committees, taskforces, working groups and members on the planned uses and existing zoning;
/ K/ I$ \7 _3 g4 s% ], d0 v9 kos.tvboxnow.com 5. The results of the previous public consultation on the existing zoning;% O! G5 w9 u5 B: Y7 V0 q0 p
6. Government’s policy statements and public commitments concerning the harbour and the Central Harbourfront;- S0 R; P8 w |! R$ W# _
7. The Harbourfront Planning Principles promulgated by the Harbourfront Enhancement Committee;
2 E% P, x, I5 x2 v 8. The Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines;TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。* t$ g, {, i& A
9. Town Planning Board Vision Statement for the Victoria Harbour.+ E: H1 V. J, q( |5 A% \0 ]8 r5 N
10. Technical and General Circulars regarding Victoria Harbour and the harbourfront.os.tvboxnow.com2 ]. G% P9 I" o k
' Y, M: C( R# R* Fos.tvboxnow.comG. Suggested Action
/ f; d! h6 @& Mtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb The only action necessary is to regularize the existing structures with the formal approval and adoption by the Board of the ‘detailed design’ relating thereto. No re-zoning is needed as proposed or at all and the existing zoning and annotation on the original draft plan should be retained.
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