自汶川大地震之後,地球並沒有安靜,事實上她沒有一秒鐘平息過。緬甸的洪水,日本的地震,台灣的地震,美國的龍卷風。這次火山再次來襲。  面對這大自然的每一次喘息,我們只有低頭祈禱。
 Liaima Volcano 是智利最大的火山 ,也是南美最活躍的火山之一。于2008年7月1日噴發。
SANTIAGO, July 1 (Reuters) - Chile’s Llaima volcano, one of South America’s most active, is spewing lava in southern Chile, the government said on Tuesday, ordering an evacuation just two months after the spectacular eruption of the Chaiten volcano further south.
Snow-capped Llaima, near Chile’s picturesque lake region, erupted violently on New Year’s Day, forcing the temporary evacuation of some tourists and residents from the surrounding Conguillio National Park, and then belched ash and lava in February.
On Tuesday the government ordered a 9-mile (15 km) exclusion zone around the 10,253-foot (3,125 meter)-high volcano and ordered the evacuation of around 40 people from the area, about 435 miles (700 km) south of the capital Santiago.
“There is renewed activity as lava is flowing towards the Calbuco River,” said Juan Cayupi, a volcanologist at the state National Emergency Office. “(The lava) has reached around 800 meters (2,600 feet) to a 1,000 meters (3,300 feet) from the crater.”

.美國阿拉斯加的 Alaska - Okmok volcano Caldera 火山于7月12日噴發

從衛星拍攝的 Okmok 火山噴出的火山灰


智利的 Chayten 火山于2008年7月16日噴發


巴布亞新幾內亞的 Rabaul Volcano 于2008年5月29日噴發



Etna volcano from space. 從太空中拍攝的Etna火山



俄羅斯 Klyuchevsky volcano in 1994

印度尼西亞的 Soputan volcano 火山于2008年6月7日再次噴發。
