我個時買既咪係 Galant 籮, 二萬幾買返黎四年得返 2800, 重要比個波箱搞到好似 d 阿婆楂車咁慢慢行, 楂左成三十年車第一次買自動波就買著架 PK 車.
佢都重有 d Evo Fans 買既, 不過 Evo 10 重係有個全新 dual 波 ...
daball 發表於 2010-1-27 02:47 AM  well, i've drove few mitsu before, none of them had any problems...i'm living in Boston, my family 1st car here is 89 Galant, my first car is 90 Galant GS (back then, it was import car of the year by Motor Trend ga!) then i had the 2nd gen Eclipse GSX, in between, i drove 96 MR2 & 00 Celica.
now, i'm a proud owner of Evo X GSR (since i have a doubt about their new SST on MR, plus it's ay too expensive, sticker around $40K!!). however, totally agreed with u, my shopping experience for my Evo wasn't that great, most of the dealers either BS l a lot about the Evo 'coz they don't know much, or very "inch", their attitute is like they've got an ace in hand & not worry to sell them all! damn...so, same as u, my friend got a 08 STi, but i'm still end up with Evo... i love Mitsu cars. |