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原帖由 FernandoTorres 於 2008-10-20 23:13 發表
how to update to ninja can u all tell me pls
發多些帖及多啲回覆又或者:如你喜歡打怪,你亦可加入兄弟幫寵物家族 http://www.tvbnow.com/thread-321848-1-1.html(在這里先了解吓和吹水オ考慮是否加入亦可以),因為有一個寵物好幫主bubu1109 會幫你開開心心打怪去。
u all is every month gv 10000 to a salary want ar
原帖由 FernandoTorres 於 2008-10-20 11:13 PM 發表
how to update to ninja can u all tell me pls
oo okok so i register 兄弟幫寵物家族   so can earn money too fast
原帖由 FernandoTorres 於 2008-10-20 23:15 發表
u all is every month gv 10000 to a salary want ar
原帖由 FernandoTorres 於 2008-10-20 23:17 發表
oo okok so i register 兄弟幫寵物家族   so can earn money too fast
you are so clever
how to register the 兄弟幫寵物家族
could u tell me how to regis becoz u send to me that website i dun no wat that
friend i got something wanna to ask u are u there if u here now u rreply me
halo if let say i get monster alrdy and the i kill monster and then i get money so izzit i earn money
原帖由 FernandoTorres 於 2008-10-20 11:45 PM 發表
halo if let say i get monster alrdy and the i kill monster and then i get money so izzit i earn money
其实是不同的… 你用宠物去打怪… 你会得到宠物币…
但是宠物币不是TVB币… 宠物币你只可以在宠物区
里用… 至于你想拿去赌波的就是TVB币…
bubu, 能再给我双倍攻击卡吗??