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始终都是最爱迅雷。试过utorrent,bit comet等等,都不够迅雷多资源和快速
Am using both Vuze and 迅雷. Download speed depends on the region the seeds are located... I always use Vuse unless for some seeds or files are only can be downloaded with 迅雷
utorrent 比特之類正統bt軟件慢,但勝在你有足夠既耐性同時間基本上都係百份百DL到,因為佢會上傳
( K0 N  U5 e6 @. `. u  o# d' x7 Fos.tvboxnow.com迅雷快就快但係唔會上傳,起碼係咁講,所以好多資源都唔鍾意迅雷,因為會有"口趙"完鬆既感覺
0 Z9 R+ j0 H* s! b+ v* }0 M6 q姐係你DL D好稀有既資源,比如係幾十年前既舊電影,迅雷分分鍾到你下果一下就無曬種,但係傳統BT軟件就另一回事,只要有人係度就DL到公仔箱論壇% n6 {9 r! I" R" Y8 K# }/ m8 y4 C
thank you very much to chelsea6713 for sharing 迷你迅雷.
Thank you so much for your sharing