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Food in Toronto is getting more variety now but it's getting more and more expensive....one day when CDN dollar drops.... except another big hike in food cost.
本帖最後由 edmanco 於 2012-8-12 12:49 AM 編輯

我全家移民加拿大20年, 有得著也要有付出, 如家財萬貫移民可以不理
1) 房子越大, 電費,冷暖氣一定用得多.
2) 3000呎房子的地稅, 在多倫多一年大概要4000加幣 (港幣3萬多), 還要每年屋外屋內,花園維修, 保養, 物料費.
3) 當你有$4000加幣月薪, 每次出糧先扣稅退休金大概25%, 實收$3000 , 購物要付GST及PST 銷售稅及勞工稅共13%, 七除八扣實察購買力祇得番 $2600......每個打工仔每年都要會計再報一次每年總收入, 高薪專業人仕, 隨時要再交多15至20%稅! 連銀行利息都要交稅!
4)每個家庭不是一部汽車, 正常係每一個成年人一部. 同香港一樣,  除非你極窮或極有錢才可以住市區, 外國不能靠公共運輸, 死更. 汽車一年開銷也不少, 保險, 牌費, 維修, 電油, 汽車祇係代步工具, 等同家中電器, 除非天降橫財, 如非必要及冇壞, 駕駛8至10年行20萬公里濕濕碎, 換車即是孭多條數上身!
5)同香港不一樣, 出街吃飯很普通, 在加國不是經常去威, pack lunch非常普遍, 食唔完打包很平常, 有衣食是美德, 不會遭人白眼.
6) 日常衣服手袋不需名牌, 著咗都冇人識!
7) 雖說醫療免費, 但某些藥物是不包括, 要醫生紙去藥房配藥購買, 牙醫更加貴過香港, 我老媽子搭飛機返香港種牙"除笨有精". 同香港一樣, 你有私人或公司醫療保險, 當然有"星"級服務. 我有個朋友有公司醫療保險, 入完時忘記申報住大房, 佢老婆補飛申報, 割完胆石, 立刻upgrade獨霸3人私家房間!
8) 加國福利太好, 申領失業救濟金以經"限制多多", 除了政府中央強積金外,政府講明張來老人福利會扣減, 請市民另外買其他私人強積金.
The things you mentioned are great. Don't forget that Canadians are paying a hugh percentage of their income to taxes of all kinds to keep services, education and welfare going.
白癡才信 我現在就在加拿大 騙誰= =.....住院是好 如果你能等5小時的話
白癡才信 我現在就在加拿大 騙誰= =.....住院是好 如果你能等5小時的話
It's just a matter of money at the end of the day!  I hope those who have never been abroad would not be misled... ... Anyone can have a luxuary live in wherever of the world, all you need is money~~~
Living in a foreign country, with hugh differences in language, culture, food, environment, ethnicity.......etc, is not for everyone. The most important thing is gethering as much information as possible before your move. When you're there, give it your best effort to assimilate.
Try, even it's not easy, not to compare with what it was before for you.
加拿大 = 艱難大
you know
In order to enjoy these things, there is a price to pay - TAX!!!. So everyone must pay his/her fair share of tax.  Most important is we do have a system that will monitor how the government spend the tax dollars.
Somemore, 重有兒女大學學費, 每位是30000加幣起跳
怎么说呢。。我在澳洲也生活了10多年了-。- 感觉上国内和国外都有自身的好处吧。看你怎么想了