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原帖由 mistercool 於 2009-3-21 05:59 PM 發表
7 R& z3 Z8 e1 [5 K0 P! wtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbRM30..some girl no need to paid...
公仔箱論壇& E# u# d9 d- r/ t

" K: f/ L9 t. q! Ros.tvboxnow.com
6 F5 R7 e( _+ k, A2 _  \! J公仔箱論壇brother,,,, which gal no need pay wo? jun? ann? may?.....
原帖由 ye1984 於 2009-3-21 09:44 PM 發表 7 P0 j- S! A! O  i6 P# o8 u3 l9 t
" R; }/ ?2 F, I* {* e5 P
: X3 z' ~% k% \  |7 K: m
cheras which part ler? permaisurX ? 68 with batin?
where can find japanese girl n korean girl in kl n price pls
; E: n* U3 C: ETVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。最重要的是要漂亮的2 k0 K$ M5 ^) d9 h) ]
原帖由 goh772003 於 2009-3-6 01:15 AM 發表 公仔箱論壇# w* Z1 J. x1 X3 @9 [+ o
前几天打不到给KITTY (popular PRC in other forum),感觉好失望,心想走宝了。
6 l5 [9 A  x) `# p. U昨天再试打她电话,哈哈,通了。原来她被包了几天所以关机了。哇,柳暗花明又一村。马上约了她今晚6PM,放工了就直铲上去了。os.tvboxnow.com2 U5 h0 A  I9 R/ b1 ]& z

$ F$ g3 R$ p2 i公仔箱論壇到了HOTEL CALL她,说 ...
) O: R/ E5 p4 Z- n请PM我联络电话

cheras place

around 130 pertime?

cheras place

around 130 pertime?

回應 louis12345 第 1351 篇文章

June, May and Ann will ask for the tips. Lilian and Cherry will not ask for tips. But i also will pay them 20-30 for the tips.I have been there last two days.I take Cherry. She have provide CIM ( come in mouth) ..
原帖由 tswooi 於 2009-3-22 02:45 AM 發表
$ [4 Q  o5 v- D$ X2 ~- ?9 Kwhere can find japanese girl n korean girl in kl n price pls
3 x5 `- x& v& E- r. Y) T; K$ q( G
os.tvboxnow.com: h+ u6 ]* O- e( {+ I
你有$$就有咯。。我看满贵的咯。。Korea oe Japanese minimum RM300++ ~500先。。。可能不只咯。价钱和鬼妹有得fight.0 m- I1 G* x7 R3 H- B) P
where can find it? 你要联诺你熟络的agent...叫他帮你找。。但是未必会有。。等luck 咯。  t' Q# E  Z- x6 Y( P3 s8 g
如果你要最快的。。。。途径:buy a air ticket, diret to Korea or Japan... haha! ( Kidding)
原帖由 mistercool 於 2009-3-22 01:52 PM 發表 9 M% q' q  p6 i$ y) K
June, May and Ann will ask for the tips. Lilian and Cherry will not ask for tips. But i also will pay them 20-30 for the tips.I have been there last two days.I take Cherry. She have provide CIM ( come ...
8 K/ z0 n; Q- _  @0 xtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
4 w3 `, J5 f$ R  D9 N2 x  q5 r; j6 |6 mtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb有那么多女包吗?why 那天我上去的时候。。counter 的人还说目前只有两位工作而已。 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb, M% M0 p: f3 k+ J( s1 [7 Q# A8 Y
i ask u, June, May, Lilian, Cherry , 那位MM比较漂亮呢?ann 我try 过了。。她不用说。
3 y" }" s! ?! e8 Oos.tvboxnow.com还有,cherry 做工good? 会不会这个不行,那个不行的呢? :P
原帖由 dogymal 於 2009-3-21 05:30 PM 發表 os.tvboxnow.com2 D" E% G" M' n7 G+ t
try Plaza MXL EX last week. Call 1 sabah MM Monica. nice and friendly. tilt a bit sagg nut nice overall. Very good BJ & i like her pussy. shaved and tight. TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。8 ~0 u- s  w0 H) [' H% u9 S% A# Q
Brother can try her if u interested
5 _! K$ B: |9 y* s  ~/ R0 E8 X

* a! |+ O& Z) l, O. `# T# Q8 jwhere is the  Plaza MXL EX??

回應 louis12345 第 1352 篇文章

yup.regal reflexology
回應 goh772003 第 1282 篇文章
2 {3 j# e# G3 @+ gbrother goh772003,
1 N% R2 I' C3 c7 f) R6 b( w% V9 Hos.tvboxnow.com可以PM Kitty 的contact 给我吗?

thanks for help

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