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原帖由 tshek 於 2009-1-23 02:39 AM 發表

I am not scary... just a little greedy
but you are too greedy....want all my $$
原帖由 tshek 於 2009-1-22 01:42 PM 發表

ask JN to sponsor....
I am not even wealth
原帖由 blueocean 於 2009-1-22 02:30 PM 發表

looks like JN isn't doing so good financially...he just finish 派彩 today

so far so good, just don't have time,

busy at work busy on forums.
原帖由 blueocean 於 2009-1-22 02:33 PM 發表

but you are too greedy....want all my $$
me too, if you don't mind.
BlueOcean -san, & NBA Moderators.

only the badthing about the NBA games, Rewarding is a big headache, usually takes me 1 -2 hr at least,

I am thinking another way to post on future ones..

which post out like 4 games once, in period of time,

1. won 4 games, $300,000
2. won 3 games, $150,000 *(share)
3, Won 2 games, $88,888 *(share)

# 2 & # 3, all winers share the rewards,

only # 1 whom got all 4 games, each rewarded $300,000. this rewards will go to next my games (you having your rotation), if no one hit it. so next my games # 1 will be $600,000

O 5 Okay

[ 本帖最後由 JackyNelson 於 2009-1-22 02:43 PM 編輯 ]
  NBA 洛杉磯湖人 vs 華盛頓奇才(+14.5) 2009-01-23
洛杉磯湖人 讓 14.5 分
  NBA 奧蘭多魔術 vs 波士頓凱爾特人(+4.5) 2009-01-23
奧蘭多魔術 讓 4.5 分

I will go for 華盛頓奇才 & 波士頓凱爾特人.

2 dogs & away teams.
原帖由 ~嘉~ 於 2009-1-22 02:12 AM 發表
Okay, I am going to layout the money first, then you pay me back how much I had rewarded.

will noted " Rewards are sponsored by ~嘉~~嘉~~嘉~

in Chinese.
我將獎勵錢先,那麼你稍後還給我. Okay

You give me the money, I do the work.

in Chinese.
有錢出錢 .有力出力 .
   奧蘭多魔術  vs 波士頓凱爾特人(+4.5) 2009-01-23  09:00:00波士頓凱爾特人勝 (-)200000奧蘭多魔術 讓 4.5 球修改
   洛杉磯湖人  vs 華盛頓奇才(+14.5) 2009-01-23  11:30:00華盛頓奇才勝 (-)200000洛杉磯湖人 讓 14.5 球修改

原帖由 blueocean 於 2009-1-23 03:32 AM 發表

so, you type by touching the screen??
no.. with my mouse
原帖由 blueocean 於 2009-1-23 03:33 AM 發表

but you are too greedy....want all my $$
well... not all.. some.. but if everyone take some, then might be all.

but i didn't take all
原帖由 JackyNelson 於 2009-1-23 03:34 AM 發表

I am not even wealth
better than me
原帖由 tshek 於 2009-1-22 04:58 PM 發表

better than me
Lots plp better, Must better than me too
原帖由 JackyNelson 於 2009-1-22 03:00 PM 發表
   奧蘭多魔術  vs 波士頓凱爾特人(+4.5)                 2009-01-23  09:00:00                波士頓凱爾特人 ...
Lost water
dang.... you go for Washington.....

they lost badly last night......
原帖由 tshek 於 2009-1-23 12:53 PM 發表
dang.... you go for Washington.....

they lost badly last night......
I thought Lakers won't cover the points ar ma, +14.5