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thanks for sharing
Great~~I like it~~
thx for sharing
wow, thx
thx a lot
謝謝分享!9 k# ^' q% {7 F2 c4 N5 g4 Z" q; Z3 F
( f) s: x7 f6 U4 j, D8 ?4 v期待第一回的分享!
thank you, very nice
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after watching the preview, alraedy v. interested in this "24" like drama~~`: K) ?. @! u3 m) v& c6 t" s
thanks for sharing~~
Thx a lot ar~
interesting~!!!try to be like 24???hmm...
) N$ A& a5 Z: e4 `2 dthankyou,

回應 ac777 第 1 篇文章

thanks for sharing!