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本帖最後由 vforview 於 2009-10-28 08:05 PM 編輯 os.tvboxnow.com2 V4 ~8 ~" X7 o: Z- O  W3 `
公仔箱論壇) }/ J; b3 I5 O7 M
2052# jasonhee8986
" d+ n7 U/ _* ?4 k) T! o+ W- d) Q2 {tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
9 ?8 g$ _+ _. x3 _% Z公仔箱論壇www.sex141.com + b+ Q* ]* p5 F; l1 _/ O
my fren,this website i knew very long time ago,at first i dun believe HK can let this website promo their service,this july month i went to HK and i hv to try call them ,haha really got this services provided,RM180,i ask the okt how u know the web site and why polis no take action ?
; k- i5 l( b4 ^) E+ {& ntvb now,tvbnow,bttvbokt told me polis knew this matter,but their dun kacau u de,only want okt boss give them 破案的资料(意思是做二五仔),( H! }# o3 T$ z5 ^- F
WARNING..if u go HK plx dun ask teksi where got the sex message,their wont tell u and wont fetch u go,i hv ask more then 15teksi,but they all tell me i dun no i dun no.....
is there reasonable price and good quality of sex service in puchong area?公仔箱論壇* a# A" \* y) i
do your all mind to provide the contact? budget not more than RM180..  Hopefully RM120 - RM150..
' |( U9 J1 p# b) p2 zPrefer Chinese C cup boobs
1977# ipro 8 z4 V! a, n. u. B7 P
公仔箱論壇, r! r' F/ R; J, Y2 e4 ~! X
can you pm me. I would like to try. thanks.
180# 白金定律 pls giv me the website thanks.
last week try massage at p@nd@* 1D@h near h0Ng1e0nG bank thr, Rm 50 for 1 hour +50 for hj, i try that sarawak gal around 22yo, but shit the services she provide ..massage also sucks ....
walau eh.... no service available in puchong meh.
last week try massage at p@nd@* 1D@h near h0Ng1e0nG bank thr, Rm 50 for 1 hour +50 for hj, i try that sarawak gal around 22yo, but shit the services she provide ..massage also sucks ....( A- R3 L( h7 {6 D4 d- H1 I
kennygan 發表於 2009-10-30 09:58 AM
+ z7 S, W, e9 n1 ?8 A$ o9 n3 iisit the name "p@k yong"??
2062# ipro
2 K, f2 {: C2 ~- `4 aTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
" ?, F$ e% F; h- i6 BTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。the place name call y@nx , just upstair of thai restoran, ya, ipro, whr the place u mention ? if price ok and good i might go to try
: e) e( c% n* utvb now,tvbnow,bttvbisit the name "p@k yong"??' D( I2 k' [7 {
ipro 發表於 2009-10-30 01:04 PM
$ t' Z2 i: E1 Etvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% M8 [3 }% r6 R% P9 }! r+ R
hi ipro- z4 i) K1 T- }# e
can pm me contact method of ur fren from serdang/balakong?
: p3 h2 T! Y/ q% Etvb now,tvbnow,bttvbi want to try laos/thai gal# W# |, l+ Y) s/ q2 p
12# adlan so cheap!! pm me too, thanks
PJ got a lot also nice girl with good service... CXystXl CrXwn Hotel got hot girl...chinese, malay, china also got..
/ _" s$ W/ Q7 @3 l0 r( B, @7 G公仔箱論壇price is 198. long time not go there...not sure price the same not.
10# adlan
! H. D4 P4 w* Y$ J( gos.tvboxnow.com
& i2 [1 J2 H& ZPrice is 180 to 208...
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any service at Skudai,Johor??os.tvboxnow.com% ^8 Q1 Z5 F7 N0 [" @$ s
PM me.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。2 X8 D- D, ?3 x9 V% t( }3 G" ~1 f
thank you