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can pm me no.?? massage and bJ 1
pm me vistana okt no.
Me too 我也要,请pm我vistana OKT no......
1767# Hamilton11 can u share me the phone no? thx a lot ^^
昨日和d3f完成了初次经验,去了一趟fantasy,得到了不错的收获 我先分享下我的FR公仔箱論壇5 S  F* Z+ x. V7 l  F- a( T
4 M6 W, l' c' H$ d' k
Name : 我没问 所以不知道
3 q! W4 s) k( O: a8 k4 \location:room 106
0 q% C: Z8 z$ C4 M+ C- Y2 e2 B2 xos.tvboxnow.comFrom:sabah/sarawah
$ Y7 {! Q! b: G/ e0 |) ~language: english , malay and contenese+ h' E+ X) p( U) \) o/ d
age :   24~27
& w2 m  P( a8 [* dos.tvboxnow.comface: ...
& S! Q2 q  w! s6 S公仔箱論壇YumiShinji 發表於 2012-1-17 03:38 AM
, _( A* w2 D7 K& M. n5 f6 h. |  O
Hi new here, can anyone PM me vistana contact? Never try a FL before.公仔箱論壇5 c8 n' X+ V! Z
Only know NS, Fantasy, Thye Wan and MP.
请pm我vistana OKT
Dear friend,
( b* D( \& K- U+ D' M# v+ F1 Qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbI was in China, sorry for late to reply the mail.6 R9 F' A* Y) N- \3 ?9 q* V
Happy every day.# N) d' s1 f: k: a
I will visit PN July 23 again.
! s7 W/ X* L1 Z5 CSee you my friend.
1962# leslie9
Anyone went to SuMMMit in BM....Do we just walk into the spa and ask for lokcui???
5 v8 C  L8 l5 |TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Any good recomendatons.公仔箱論壇- i7 |! U1 F& e
1965# greentea1911
/ L7 R; V% L9 X1 j1 `! eTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。yes, just tell the lady at counter. okt will bring u to the room.公仔箱論壇5 y9 G' Z) \& `+ ^6 Y9 x
i went last month, okt told got 1 NL but go back oledi.0 }; _: t" s. Q! _
left 2 PRC & i choose one.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 k& p8 A- p8 k2 m+ U
Damage = 180
# l% Z3 R3 S' U公仔箱論壇normal normal only.
1962# leslie9
/ }5 }2 R! b4 ?- Ncan share? please PM me. manymany thanks..... 公仔箱論壇+ e5 y5 A' L0 F. k0 g. t
normal hotel, spa, MP...i tried since 2008....
& x; R1 ^8 @4 ?, X8 f公仔箱論壇but not tried "home style".3 m- s( R9 k9 W* h
now very difficult to get local girl, viet and PRC also sien liao....