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take out 10 balls and 5 in each side
5 H7 {  f2 g1 \) Y5 K" H, \+ t公仔箱論壇if both side balance mean the other 2 balls one of them must be the heavy one then just take them to weight will find out which one is heavier.! C3 ?: Q( j+ [: Y% [+ m
6 Y. x2 L  O9 r- o
if the heavy ball is inside the 10 balls, take out 4 balls from the heavier side which had 5 balls to weight 2 balls in each side.
# J, _. B* ?1 eos.tvboxnow.comif both side balance, which mean the one left is heavy one if not, just take the heavier side to weight will find out which one is the heaviest one.
& C/ ~+ d7 W+ G1 Y' f
7 J8 i1 d, S6 Y1 p5 B6 pos.tvboxnow.comused less then 1 min to find out the answer....

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