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1129# LonelyPlanet
7 O; y1 q  R3 v8 O+ H1 V3 F4 mos.tvboxnow.combro can i get Mxx, JXXg number, i will treat her nice and post feedback here .Thanks
mei jing got aids wow... u wan?
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1833# jeffosw u go ma ??/
Bro can pm me penang okt contact...thanks...
1818# o8888
% A( t* Z2 t+ a$ }: A公仔箱論壇
& C3 N9 ], \0 U; \$ |5 z公仔箱論壇
* d( h" F# l7 }6 R6 n9 ?公仔箱論壇hi.. mind to share me the okt's number?
1835# devilprawn
8 o( l: _" b  Ntvb now,tvbnow,bttvb公仔箱論壇4 ]! w4 Z. Q& h' S- g
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MP - Massage Parlours
9 z! o3 S3 t7 p. CHS - Hair Saloons with massages2 k) x# t& ]! q. _/ c2 M+ n; Q
HT - Hotels allowing short timetvb now,tvbnow,bttvb' T  d! d5 h5 U4 x
PF - Papaya Farms4 t( s& d: e7 e0 l/ b. p) m9 M
CP - Cheong Places or FS
5 m' w% }: P9 cos.tvboxnow.com4 U7 Q5 J) s# C# @) W
What the figures in brackets behind the name of places mean:
0 I; B2 X/ T$ Ktvb now,tvbnow,bttvb(-A-/-B-/ ...
1 b# f2 ]  m; TLonelyPlanet 發表於 2011-10-31 01:09 PM
  ~' i8 S6 \7 Y( \! ^- c* r: mtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
3 V! x, n% N) G4 t- a6 y' Y* dos.tvboxnow.commay i ask ht is just hotel only ma ??
. x3 g9 e- x( Bno include mm ma ??
1836# feng3830
) ~9 Y1 Y0 u8 F* k+ _0 ?公仔箱論壇一知半解咯。。哈哈。。又不够胆去试喔。。。哈哈。。
Any taiko here got Aurora Court OKT contact can share?Wan to try ang mo kao...