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anyone know butterfly open frm what time until what time?? plan to go tomorow nite.. hehe... wah.. izit really more than 20girls ah...
Thanks timen"tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb9 a/ J# M2 t: C7 k
前一阵子我一直都有去泰国玩。但是我通常找的女生都是按摩来自中国。泰国的就没试过所以打算下星期去试试。yes club 是属于看show的地方。表演女生应该有整百多两百人。是以挑花50元-100元或你可以请他们喝tequilapop。那里的啤酒每瓶15元,如果你开多酒的话当他们把帐单拿来的时候你可以在帐单上签名然后他们就会把帐单给discount25% 合家的kiss me现在已经营业到早上。还有好几家也一样。kpk hotel那里的农场有人去过吗?TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。* k$ v/ j/ B  V% g) S9 X# p
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。3 d  |0 Q" Q( O  W, h
蝴蝶公园里最少有17-8个小蝴蝶。营业时间是从6点到3点。小姐是以钓花或给小费方式。10元-100元之间。通常客人会以20-30元给钓花。钓花是从9点左右开始不停的轮流上台唱歌。如果坐跟你,而你又喜欢她的女生那你就不要错过你的飞镖本领(钓花)给那个女生。你每钓花一次老板会抽10%佣金。钓花给女生会给女生比较有面子。还有如果你是选到那些比较热门又漂亮的蝴蝶那你的飞镖(cash)可要准备得够才可以赢得美人归。因为如果客人多的话他们一天会唱5-6次歌。当然如果你口才好又能跟他们一起玩得很癫的话我相信应该不需要花很多钱吧。早到的朋友会有好多小姐陪。他们不会主动的跟你要钱。如果你是属于那种比较多话又很能玩的朋友你应该会喜欢这个地方。如果你是属于比较静的朋友那你就要喝多点酒来壮胆。那里的女生都可以玩的很粗,在那里你一定会学到一句话那就是(lai boh liao boh lanciao)就是把酒喝光的意思。那里的酒每瓶17元3瓶48元。小姐的酒量不会很好除了(Ella)我相信她也是最能玩的一个。以我的眼光小姐方面就漂亮的是(Jessie)年轻身材又棒。当然(rose),(bunga),(ella),(D'lla)还有两个我忘了是什么名了格子小小的也不错。通通都很会跳舞。嘻嘻!快餐方面不详'因为没提到这个话题。如果有任何狼友吃到的话请通知一下喔"蝴蝶公园有分室内跟露天,室内有得听歌坐沙发,钓花。露天比较暗摸手摸脚也比较方便(这是我想而已)店外还有煮炒可以点来吃。时间长的朋友可以慢慢的在哪里打发时间环境不错。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb8 G! `0 R1 [$ x4 t0 ~

$ x! D% x% @7 o公仔箱論壇对了harmony那里有那些正妹可以介绍一下吗?营业时间?收费?木瓜园?吃快餐还是要花时间?可以提供一些资料吗?
: N. j; \- W7 v; D+ U9 n, B谢谢"$ ?' B" m/ J& e( x( `' y

6 `* y0 {% b% d" qos.tvboxnow.com
, W* }* z% X( b, A2 s# |, N1 l0 |5 l
* j7 `1 g7 M! c6 j; f3 ]TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。os.tvboxnow.com! S. S/ t, N5 h1 T4 h

/ `7 l* K! t) z! ^0 `: vtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb(
clarisa from fantasi? Room number? Now the okt ah seng no more working at fantasi ady. Any new lady in fantasi can recommend..
Clarisa, when u walk the staircase to 2nd floor, 1st left hand side, the room number i 4get d.
$ u- V, ]2 X; Y% }* q9 m3 o# vTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。9 G1 l; C9 u( Y. o
0 v' ^6 z  k4 Z8 {6 c* x$ k+ Bos.tvboxnow.comAns: Aini but jz work at nite, 3pm-6pm & 9pm-12am, drink n room only RM16 (i jz order a soft drink and let the OKT bring me to normal room), bout service, dunno, jz pay Aini RM50+RM4 tips to MOUTH BOMB!!!
4 D! Z0 R3 b* s, Y& A* A: |/ ^os.tvboxnow.comFor aini, i think u better eat fast food, she is quite popular, no time to chat more wif her, other gals u can chat. but in summary, the gals in papaya garden normally won treat u so good if u dun wan take their offer. Example: she wil always ask "ai pak chui cheng?", ask few times if u dun wan, she won entertain u, for Coco and Pokok Nyor papaya garden r like that.
anyone know butterfly open frm what time until what time?? plan to go tomorow nite.. hehe... wah.. izit really more than 20girls ah...公仔箱論壇% {* }/ V( ?( e$ q  @
badangel 發表於 2011-11-28 04:18 AM
" L* j& p. z5 S公仔箱論壇8,9pm can go there, but 10pm start only got ppl sing. til 3am close, but the gals normally 2am wil go bek
Sat work, Sun work, Monday oso work, sien, today boss not here, I settle my work earlier, plan to go fun around afternoon. After lunch, then sms Raiden, he got Aini hp number, wanna to test Aini again!!! Raiden din reply me, and I think maybe Aini din work at afternoon, so straight fly from b.lepas to town area to idle away my time. Plan to go Sin Tai Pei (新台北), in front of Happy Pub.
2 E4 u6 J2 ?7 K7 S公仔箱論壇tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb; c5 x$ ?/ _0 A7 g- Q, K4 L
Sms Ryan, he say he wanna go oso haha! Ok, meet him there, finally, another bro Neolchan oso come but late a bit, cal another guy Raiden, he at mainland, cant come hahaha!os.tvboxnow.com" C, {3 ]" C+ d
公仔箱論壇4 O4 A6 j3 D6 g$ z. l
When I n Ryan enter to Sin Tai Pei, not even to find a room kok, whole gals, oso got aunty, fly to surround us, KNN~~~~~, we say dunwan….; r3 a9 r$ Z" _, Z, ?# b

3 a, I- v& a; wos.tvboxnow.comOk, finally, we find a room, order 2 bottle of Tiger, pay money, then I ask my MEIMEI (previously I met b4) to acc me, long time din c her, feel she bcome more wan n sallow…….mm………..may I expectation higher zor haha. N a gal who is SIAOWEN acc my bro.
+ a  K; C- W, `( M+ aTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。0 N; W" b& |' S1 n0 |
After 1 hr Neolchan come, it is 1st times I meet Neochan.os.tvboxnow.com5 r0 z" N! _6 Y+ x
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。  l/ x" x4 l( j* P! r: g6 l
Around 4pm, a sexy gal who cal QING QING (青青) we hv aimed, I ask her to acc 1 of my bro, finally, my bro beh tahan, gv QQ eat zor wakakaka! But really, QQ quite friendly n I cubit her ass haha.公仔箱論壇8 t# i. C: w. O; |" ~3 z) k
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 O; r1 X3 b1 M$ l. U
At start, my fren was very tired, lie down on the sofa, QQ straight lie on his body, seems like my bro’s brutish nature is come bek!!! N it is a show time to let I n another bro see. Manatau, it is prohibited by the wild beast n sexy QQ. Ok lah, we help them to stay outside, bcome door god. Let them hv a sex fighting inside.
% u& Q3 i0 X$ s% B/ ^, @- Xos.tvboxnow.com  Q. w+ R& C9 [8 T0 E6 g9 g6 X
Quite long, QQ come out, go to toilet, I go to ask QQ can acc me tonite, QQ say can, n walk close to me, touch my LJ, teh~~~~~~~~ me, wao, quite hot suddenly, ok I tolerate 1st.: f, {  p. k& X$ G

9 v5 y- @- A( r9 jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbThen I go bek to the room, ask my bro, shiok bo the QQ? He say, good, n told me the price. I really hot d, without any hesitation, I go out from the room, find QQ, n say, I WAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 i' G2 p, N8 `8 V/ s5 j- R, p公仔箱論壇TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。" x) ]6 C5 s* M1 ~, i$ X
She bring me to the up floor, more quiet. Switch on the lamp n aircon, we hug 2gether, I say, we slow slow come, dun rush. After some body stroke, touch here touch there, she unclothe me, I oso unclothe myself, then her turn, we hug again without any partition.
! D  H" l; z0 t  S& x2 ]os.tvboxnow.com( M  Q9 J0 W- X  N" X' r
She help me to wash, there is a washbowl inside the room, but I dislike her wash, a little bit rough during washing my LJ, but stil ok lah, not so pain.os.tvboxnow.com0 a, b8 d6 V; [6 ^; ]
公仔箱論壇, |* I- D6 M2 R- v$ C
Ok, start! I stand, she catbath, from north to south, when south, she sit on the sofa, help me BJ, her eyes watch me, quite lewd but I like, when watching her eyes, it make me satisfy. Sometimes, suck my LPC. Ok, turn around, I such her nipple, her nipple quite big!!! Although her boobs not so big, I m very greedy, use whole mouth open big big cover her boobs, make me almost pull out a tendon, but ii is quite shiok while suck her nipple.7 _% G; t3 N) w
os.tvboxnow.com% P& L- K( q$ P1 D2 _% H
After that, I sit on the sofa, she squat, BJ again, her eyes make me high…………I ask her, “好吃吗”“好甜”“那吃多点噢”“噢”…..os.tvboxnow.com) {/ s; s4 }* V' X. N; \( Y

& l; o$ c* p6 Y+ @  y  b! C& Y. B; utvb now,tvbnow,bttvbSeeing her CFM face, make me almost shoot, I try to hold her face, make it slow. Sometimes, I put my legs up to her arms but cant really put down lah, too heavy for a gal mah, I jz use my legs to crisscross her head, such as use my leg u hug her head. Quite stim nia during BJ, she won rush.
1 B" j% N  ^$ R# ], G/ V. t, f. \TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
: R% ?4 u; Q* J5 g3 V/ |  l9 T$ \9 uTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。I request to suck nipple again, she gv. Next, wear CD, I sit on the sofa, she sits on me, 观音坐莲,I ask her, dun up down up down, jz put my LJ inside her pussy, let it warm 1st haha. After few seconds, she shake, but not up down up down, is left right left right, like a circle, I like it.
7 {9 T, L; p* T2 q0 X5 f  `tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) L- ?3 o3 Z  y6 |
Then I lie down, let her shake, up down up down shake, I enjoy myself, then I grap her boobs, wonderful. She is quite small size, then I try to use the position I nvr use in my life, I hug her up, LJ nvr leave from her pussy, standing f*cking like missionary, wa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sipek syok nia, a gd satisfaction for a man can do that. She scream not too loud but at leat quite coordinate to me, after short while I tired, put her down to table to use missionary, but cant, I feel that the table surface not flat, might hurt QQ, ok, put her bek to sofa, missionary, I know I wil shoot soon if keep using missionary, cos I always shoot while using this position.7 j! l3 K! v7 M; [" n
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb4 e. M8 M& K: `( m
Ok, I lower my speed again, I cheat her I pain a bit, she say nothing. Again, stand up f*cking, small body nice to hold, but my leg really tired d, let put her down again. Missionary position, when I wanna shoot, I ask her to hug me tight tight, MCB, her finger nail make my bek so pain, but I dunno y, when shoot, I won feel pain, n now, every pain ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。& E5 J1 `4 X% S

, b" [# \# A( M7 I公仔箱論壇She won rush, help me to wash, I ask her to wash softly. After wearing cloth, I pay her RM100, she stil hug me n kiss me, but at that time almost 5:45pm, I say I wanna leave d, she ok, n folo me go out from the room.公仔箱論壇; Z( f7 ?: c  Q* U8 t5 O+ R- X

- k* V& F7 X/ sos.tvboxnow.comGo to downstair, go bek to room, my 2 bros stil inside, RYAN gv tips to SIAOWEN, I gv my tips to MEIMEI, n go bek finally.0 W) E, z$ u* E0 l2 P# [

. \* w8 x( h! x3 w. K' Rtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 V' a' y" I# c, K) `6 c, r) L
Name: Qing Qing (青青)
! z+ O. i, S$ m' H- @6 f7 FAge: 20++ I guess, SWT lookTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。% \% i( N3 E- v* v4 O, G
Face: 9/10, CFM look
' j8 Y0 `' l  W: L- c公仔箱論壇Boobs: 7/10公仔箱論壇' c; @. }8 f4 \( q9 O
Nipples: 9/10
: t- t! B% H7 I9 NBody: 8/10, C' q" \$ C+ q
BJ: 8/10
2 z/ ^' l( d6 gos.tvboxnow.comFJ: 8/108 y  U- q* f+ g5 k
GFE: 9.5/10
$ I- C% R) V  Y* }# [os.tvboxnow.comDamage: RM20 room, RM28 beer, RM20 MEI MEI tips, RM100 QQ FJos.tvboxnow.com# Y" m: f/ O! p; g6 _; f) g4 Z$ _
WIR: yes
1620# LonelyPlanet
' V$ \2 ]2 T0 V4 S公仔箱論壇
! {4 g9 J# `! X. @7 G5 I! }os.tvboxnow.comthumb up!!!
$ p' Q8 W( [1 E3 [公仔箱論壇Wah you work so syiok one ah? Can come out for high tea one ah???
lonely planet & A/ E  W6 o1 G: f- b
i wan try QQ~% g/ Q% n8 a6 A/ ^% M0 l- m
pm me
morqos, i m working as sales, sometimes, work til nite if customers...................6 r0 r1 d* h4 }4 @
busukhoo, PM u wat thing? straight go that pub lah
Thanks timen"
9 M( @8 r: f  |公仔箱論壇前一阵子我一直都有去泰国玩。但是我通常找的女生都是按摩来自中国。泰国的就没试过所以打算下星期去试试。yes club 是属于看show的地方。表演女生应该有整百多两百人。是以挑花50元-100元或你可以请 ...; }  T9 e1 j. F% V2 `8 C' e
Lulusiao 發表於 2011-11-28 03:17 PM
3 ?: j5 L) y# l2 h" {% d公仔箱論壇公仔箱論壇3 [- H2 V! }3 c# F, {- G3 {: n

4 ~2 p7 Z; K. I5 x% d0 ~1 `  w感谢分享~~
Sat work, Sun work, Monday oso work, sien, today boss not here, I settle my work earlier, plan to go fun around afternoon. After lunch, then sms Raiden, he got Aini hp number, wanna to test Aini again ...tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb; R. A. f0 z8 @) q1 i4 k* [
LonelyPlanet 發表於 2011-11-28 09:25 PM
7 `& ?: d1 r! `4 t  N9 UTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。公仔箱論壇  m8 M/ R$ A# k, R) t
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb; n0 I/ `, B+ W/ u+ f9 {
master lonely , nice FR !! XD
/ s+ \' M! y5 S, x% J: v3 fso today u wat time come fetch me ??
u say 8pm right? raiden/ryan/neolchan 8:15pm reach auto city, then we all go to eat 1st lah
Sad... Can't join ur guys... Later need to fly over to Singapore...
spore Geylang, my favorite place, make ur hunting there, then share ur FR after come bek, haha! SGD50 can hv a nice sex there XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Sure I will...