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83# k3nny126
" p$ n& I: r( H  Otvb now,tvbnow,bttvb hi, may i know where u go? 8 E, ~( }2 {( R5 C$ r
How much 1 shot?
# J6 q4 G3 X2 f5 a3 Xhow is the quality??
can you PM me YinYin number before she left? PM me, we can exchange公仔箱論壇" U! a+ x& h: @, o' V
alex_weng2000 發表於 2011-10-26 12:55 PM
. x5 n2 R$ ~% H+ M6 d  T/ i( z0 E6 d* bos.tvboxnow.com
/ r) Y( L/ k8 X2 l4 o( Yos.tvboxnow.comCall shen diao to get YinYin..........
shiroi, alexyoung, PM u shen tiao number d
6 p0 W; w. s4 V  w. Y8 n, Z: etvb now,tvbnow,bttvbMARTINY7 發表於 2011-10-26 05:33 PM
2 `: u- ^7 }+ C0 b& e& C& P/ B
+ @7 X& l- t) }os.tvboxnow.com神雕那边有个越南Alise,不错下,公仔箱論壇& u9 X! b/ x1 ~/ X  K

+ ^6 Q) F2 `: [1 KTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。或者Cititel对面越南阿凤,包你满意
可以给我神雕no 吗?还有Cititel 靠近哪里?感恩
lonely大大,可以PM我神雕的NO吗?TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! y# I9 w$ M+ v6 }
  b2 S9 w" J1 Y( @" q, ]os.tvboxnow.com几天没上网,看来错过yinyin了。
4 y! U, g2 o2 m2 e, D' r) }os.tvboxnow.comPM 我啊~最好直接给电话。
yin yin 回去了,还不及试 !!!!
alan, hunter, PM u shen tiao number d
copy from other website:os.tvboxnow.com* m5 g' w4 [* d- Y2 l7 b1 u& F
这是上个星期上的。。。今天比较有空才来写报告。。。公仔箱論壇2 Y& ?: p$ A3 x# F3 D9 x
0 G; S3 K9 N  @/ s; `+ Mtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb公仔箱論壇2 Y; ~5 S) a$ ?6 x" d$ \3 U9 r2 T
       陪她sms了几天,终于约了她星期二晚上出来。。。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。- `! H7 F* H1 d: q  h
见面后还算不错。。。应该这里很多大大也吃过了。。。我爱面包兄肯定吃过。。哈哈!!% D$ a; C0 E5 U+ q: C
& M2 B' m7 B& {; G% z到了吃东西的地方后,她尽然说要打包去我家吃。。我当然ok啦。。这女子好像比我还急。。
4 b3 E, {7 r" C. D' p4 xos.tvboxnow.com打包后就直接回家。。。我们一面用餐我一面搂着她。。对她上下其手。。哈哈。。。每个大大应该也是做这些开头吧。。
0 D  k8 b) v2 q' g( Pos.tvboxnow.com吃完后我把东西收拾收拾。。就坐着聊了几句。。我就搂着她接着亲吻,舌吻。。。
8 f/ ?. C$ h0 L  V( ltvb now,tvbnow,bttvb她很小只。。很容易抱。。我就直接把她抱到房里。。继续接吻。。慢慢的脱了她的衣服。8 m( p* H3 E+ Y4 e3 c# K! }) c4 w
手指也往下挖。。感觉她湿了我就叫她跟我口交。。。(她不太会口交呢。。。)不是很爽。。。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。* ~' y' @+ u& j! z: ]8 j; X
) N7 m9 F, F7 K9 U3 Q3 S6 M; H公仔箱論壇我们换了几个方式。。。我的子弹终于发射。。。休息了一阵子我们一起洗鸳鸯澡。。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。7 o: B* {2 a0 E1 a. o. G
/ s" z+ K& q% ?5 ]/ f/ F1 z+ \4 STVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。她说今天有亲戚在,不能。。。所以就送她回。。。公仔箱論壇8 }$ y) k3 G; f. b! H) v
% G, t! j/ N( vTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。我问她爽什么,她回答你知道得啦。。。。  C  u  z4 K9 ^( I4 l  M( \! y+ n+ J
7 w( C. D, Y: s# Rtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb就约了星期五。。os.tvboxnow.com' k& `/ f, e: @- I' v
7 ?* [9 G7 y! t" F- W# \& O  ~TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。懒惰写了。。4 z3 ^8 G4 o. g! j  W) g
8 C- Z4 ~1 c! M# O* v3 E2 Y- ZTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 r; O/ x2 ]( k8 ~9 b1 s0 ^# |

; Z+ L: d6 `: S3 x$ {3 Y4 x, E名字: 不可告知tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb" O& K2 x8 E9 _( S! x; p2 k' n$ I
! e3 x& M; `5 F: mos.tvboxnow.com年龄: 26tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb4 j6 L5 ]3 i7 G. ^( \6 i
样貌: 6/10
2 y5 b4 b. F, f公仔箱論壇身材:6/10
, ~( M- Y8 n6 O6 s. t% d公仔箱論壇乳房: 6/10 a罩杯
6 ?' O9 |. Q: U. b0 T! v; t5 Sos.tvboxnow.com做爱: 7/10
# b1 Z7 G3 b- N) I3 f! i+ I6 ?TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。口交:2/10os.tvboxnow.com$ z5 q1 J) ~/ a) `' }
jz get the roti number this noon, n date the roti come out, f'ck her n bring her bek.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb' ^& |+ z( l7 ~, i% T' H
to whom, hv required elaine n shen tiao number number, n finally post the FR here, the new roti number wil b given.
* i. J& w( ^! U% ^1 j+ @公仔箱論壇100% is, the new roti i wil f'ck her again, so all bro pls date her after 3 Nov 2011. n i wil continue look for other Roti n share here....
4 b6 M, T; y( l+ HMy FR wif her today, wil b posted later...........
名字: will be given during PM (Mxx, JXXg)tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 {9 Y/ m( U) g; G
来自:air itam, farlimTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。7 x1 }  X' X" V( t" |, b8 X
年龄: 26tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb' z* l  a3 M  j( a$ b( i" t
样貌: 6.5/10 1 F2 q6 |/ m3 a1 J
身材:6.5/10 8 N: `9 B  R* ?$ a
乳房: 6.5/10
  `, T! j* n) d4 W$ }6 z公仔箱論壇做爱: 7/10
+ Z5 T' x% K) I/ Y/ l接吻:4/102 w' _% j& _6 @% v7 k4 i
公仔箱論壇) e3 ^% {# B* E+ W! n( Y
Around 12pm, receive her number then smm her, say I m xxxxxx, wanna b fren wif her, can date her or not, mana tau, she reply me “cal me”, so excited!!! Hahaha! Not until 10 seconds, she cal me wor!!! I pick up, chat a moment, she ask me wanna come out lunch, I say ok, then jz fly my car from b.lepas to farlim.
, t6 ]) E! d8 u9 T0 K公仔箱論壇8 Y/ d  O) `* N4 x# i8 B- p
She stay near sunshine farlim, the 3288 restaurant, while n blue flat, she come out, quite cute, although 26 yrs old, but look like secondary student haha!
5 h7 k/ T6 a: a5 c公仔箱論壇' h) K5 X4 g) u: e2 q  a
I ask her go where eat, she say qingcai, I say Mcd, she ok (if can eat at hostel then better haha). On the way to paya terubong Mcd, I m thinking, how to tel her, we order Mcd food n take away to eat at my hostel. Finally, I say very hot, wanna to go my hostel to bathe, I ask her can? She say qingcai wor!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes!!!! My planning is success half liao os.tvboxnow.com" |7 g2 r5 Y7 o
& c! f2 _! c" Y5 A4 q( P; O
She only eat French flied, I eat others. After bath, I jz chat chat wif her in sofa, she talk many thing, her own life, family, fren, career………. Who care? My purpose is not all these things. I try to touch her not sensitive place such as hand, hair, and slowly come to neck, leg, she din decline, so wat can I do? Hahaha!( g5 ~& N( W- S- I+ S$ K
; Z& h" e# z5 i; m# y4 c
I say, “we jz know each other not too long, u din scare meh? Din scare I EAT u meh???”, she say, “u dare meh???”, actually, we hug 2gether d, when she say “u dare meh???”, I straight kiss her mouth, French kiss, her mouth so small. Then I say, “sofa is not syok, how bout we go room”, she din refuse wor!!! Wakakaka!!!8 Q9 l4 U4 I4 Y+ ^

, x# D, E* F6 ^! v6 N9 F+ x公仔箱論壇We enter to my room, no need to say front part, jz say the last part, she quite good in sitting me, she is very pro when shaking her body while using 观音做莲(gil up boy down), I lose, I really lose, not enough few minutes, I donate all my spermer out. (unlucky I din buy condom, so only shoot all my sons n my grandson on the face finally and she din mind).
! I* p/ k9 I/ ^7 T; S3 c# d* \8 _tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
& o+ o0 V: K/ Etvb now,tvbnow,bttvbShe bath at my hostel and I finally bring her bek, I wil control myself when next times playing this position, she is quite experience when doing this hahaha!
9 ^1 y4 H  l9 `' E2 M: q  V8 `
/ n2 d9 a/ K/ T) Z4 VTo whom who r interested, pls PM me, who post on forum wont b entertain, n oso, who request the number of Elaine n shen tiao b4, n din post out the FR, pls dun PM me.
pls only date her after 3 Nov, i wil fuck her kao kao on the 2nd round, she is better than elaine more n more. all bro pls, take care of my 2nd roti, Mxx Jxxg, she is very cute, small size, easy to hug n f'ck, who hurt her i won 4gv the ppl, who wanna hv a sex wif her, jz PM me, for those din post FR b4, no need PM me, all ur name is recorded down, but for those br ur sexo who post FR here b4, pls enjoy sex soon :-)
LonelyPlanet, i'm not able to PM you. Don't know why...os.tvboxnow.com: q& |: ]1 n2 i0 j
Can you PM me the girl who in Farlim one?
! [  d# {/ [* u/ G( NI'm from here too.公仔箱論壇0 S' q. G  d, y& _! s9 b' J) s
PLease and thanks