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原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-3-24 11:02 PM 發表
成功贈送給 andrew123 1 個 聖騎士靴!

give me back when you get one yourself
OK  No  problem
today will lv up to 8turn   jo7878 have ant equip is for 8turn
打到好無癮   450級只係打佐2件王者武器:onion03:   :onion03:   :onion03:


回復 #1098 andrew123 的帖子

that's better than me la
sometimes, i play for a whole day and don't get anything


回復 #1099 blueocean 的帖子

好野好野 ~歡迎blueocean加入~:014:

回復 #1100 cowman 的帖子

oh yeah, i just join...haha, i guess jo just wake up


原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-3-25 04:39 AM 發表
oh yeah, i just join...haha, i guess jo just wake up
早餐....i want some too....i am hungry now
can you save some for me....i am flying back to hk now...may take 24 hours


回復 #1097 kingjai 的帖子

刺客=英雄.英雄set 勁d,要才可用.try .is good to去到8轉的玩法敏捷150之後全+力量.到100級敏捷1200之後全+力量.記得0到100級沒有力量沒用的

英雄之墜         kingjai         1         送禮         2008-03-25 04:09:27
英雄之靴         kingjai         1         送禮         2008-03-25 04:07:31
英雄護甲         kingjai         1         送禮         2008-03-25 04:07:12
英雄頭盔         kingjai         1         送禮         2008-03-25 04:06:56
英雄之劍         kingjai         1         送禮         2008-03-25 04:06:31
原帖由 andrew123 於 2008-3-25 04:14 AM 發表
打到好無癮   450級只係打佐2件王者武器:onion03:   :onion03:   :onion03:

點解呢    use this n u get  more 雙倍攻擊卡     andrew123     1     送禮     2008-03-25 04:16:31

回復 #1105 jo7878 的帖子

what about me la....i just join your family....should give me something good la
at least give me 50 3x exerperienc card


原帖由 jo7878 於 2008-3-25 04:59 AM 發表

點解呢    use this n u get  more 雙倍攻擊卡     andrew123     1     送禮     2008-03-25 04:16:31
多謝曬la   好想快d打翻件聖騎士武器還俾blueocean  順便試下將d武器合成     

回復 #1107 andrew123 的帖子

don't need to rush la....i still have 3 in my inventory....don't need them anyway
we are family now....we should share stuff:014:


原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-3-25 04:46 AM 發表
早餐....i want some too....i am hungry now
can you save some for me....i am flying back to hk now...may take 24 hours
哈哈...你來到再煮吧- -

回復 #1106 blueocean 的帖子

u r so rich la.......but if u want let me sell all my family stuff than buy 50 3 time exp card for u la. please wait a little................