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原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-3-23 04:53 AM 發表
Jo is not free....let me give you la
成功贈送給 m5959 200 個 紅寶石!
成功贈送給 m5959 1 個 雙倍經驗卡!
之前覺得 double exp is better than double atk card...but now i feel atk card is good one...!!!:onion31:

回復 #976 cowman 的帖子

haha....i don't know. he asks for it, so i just buy one for him la


原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-3-23 04:58 AM 發表
haha....i don't know. he asks for it, so i just buy one for him la
ahah~!! initially i save money to buy double exp card which it is so toilsome!

although so tired ar now>..<  i

回復 #978 cowman 的帖子

by the way, how come you are not sleeping?:sleeps:
it's 5:07 am in HK....don't feel sleepy ma?


原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-3-23 05:08 AM 發表
by the way, how come you are not sleeping?:sleeps:
it's 5:07 am in HK....don't feel sleepy ma?
i think that i cant sleep la...i need work after taking a bath~!!

回復 #980 cowman 的帖子

i just notice that you are almost 10 turns....catching up to me la....so fast
i think i need to play more now


just come here say

回復 #983 笨汶 的帖子

welcome friend ..........J o y c e....have a tea ....first lo.......:onion14:

n blueocean , not going ma, already miss  u la.
go back to sleep la..............:sleeps:   see u guy in copp hrs than.....................
any1 have 復活寶石 gave me mah? i die jo
原帖由 cowman 於 2008-3-23 04:16 AM 發表
英雄之墜 jo7878 1 送禮 2008-03-23 04:14:42
英雄之靴 jo7878 1 送禮 2008-03-23 04:14:24
英雄之劍 jo7878 1 送禮 2008-03-23 04:14:15
王者聖甲 jo7878 2 送禮 2008-03-23 04:14:06
王者頭盔 jo7878 3 送禮 2 ...
i will take care other ga la........ n seen u dont have time , just help u a little la.........save u some time to lever up la.

成功贈送給 cowman 1 個 雙倍攻擊卡!
成功贈送給 cowman 1 個 三倍經驗卡!
thx jo7878 n also thx blueocean
m5959     2     送禮     2008-03-23 05:45:33   that ll i have on me.send u more later.

回復 #984 jo7878 的帖子

go and back la....very short trip due to some unexpect incident....you miss me??? you really like to joke with me la ....i bet you don't even remember me

