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请问进来 ipoh有什么好去处吗?
734# christhye5656 6 ^1 f' K4 M5 H) m: q

6 W- x- B3 F! D9 |Can tell me where is Robin locate at ?
733# RbitLingLing
7 l5 {  m9 i& Z0 Jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 M6 x* W+ y5 c: O
Can tell me where is Robin locate at?
739# christhye5656 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb& [0 I) {' G" o7 v, N  I; L

; S! h# o$ {! x: _Is it Robin Hotel ? or what kind of shop it is ?
Is Spa...
741# ivansclee
( o+ [" }7 M. o1 l1 _1 D) p公仔箱論壇3 F2 ?8 l: H- t+ ]5 d' o
ok...Thank :)
那天去了luckyxx hotel,只有五个选,技术不是很好,而且有点贵。Jessicaxx最近素质好象变差了。公仔箱論壇; }3 V' e4 Y7 G0 A5 ]
743# Dick9999 公仔箱論壇8 Q1 }4 I7 V* Z: b0 F

- u% g. W9 T* g( Gos.tvboxnow.com那你选了那个阿?
想请问下?大大说的robin是不是robin hotel?请大大指教?小弟是初来报到!还有别的好地方吗?如有麻烦大大pm我好吗?感激不尽,谢谢!!![email protected]
there are a lot of massage shop
go in the hotel and just ask them>? how need any 暗语?
Just ask bro, no worries, happy fucking