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the sri petal111g car4 up got many massge.at 2nd floor good.RM45 1 hr plus rm30extra.u mz tell the bos u wan good n young de.very good massge.

pearl po1xx hotxx

last 2 day i go there.rm139 1 and half hr massge.realy song massge.but i no ask extra.jz wan relax...hahaha
Semxxxxx or Kajxxg have china MM?TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。8 L- D: A+ J! Y5 @, F' [
: v& M0 f& ?4 W
[ 本帖最後由 error403 於 2008-10-1 08:26 PM 編輯 ]


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回應 ccy6899 第 46 篇文章

C4 SP have lot of Massage Shop ka? Which one is good... what extra service they provide.../ r8 `; J7 j6 y; k( d

& Z9 B4 Y# F& F+ J公仔箱論壇Thank
在Time Sxxxx对面有间白x宮x的卡拉ok、os.tvboxnow.com$ z# [; D. R3 @" ~3 L$ L
在下午有很多馬來mm、但只限happy hour时刻!os.tvboxnow.com; b" {- p& ^. h" l
年経、好玩、身材好、样靚!$ ^0 b$ D2 q9 ?& F) l5 N' Y
9 H* X1 F& g1 r0 [* Q* R) Aos.tvboxnow.com睌上却大多数是华人、多是"金鱼"不好玩!
0 Z6 k  m: C% [% V5 O; a的馬來mm也很好玩!1 u4 p" H: ~4 \' V7 Q" q4 G* s
却是在晚上九点后才多起來!2 t+ o: l) l, V
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原帖由 GNG 於 2008-10-1 09:37 AM 發表
5 Z4 a. M  u0 s公仔箱論壇every Kaki,
3 R; K" j' h2 g公仔箱論壇i got a good news... got new MM come over d.. just get this news this morning then tell member here d.. hahah... the girls now stay at Sunwxx Hotel.. got 1 i meet before.. i give some com ...
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Brother can provide me the number? and what is the price?
原帖由 tenchi1997 於 2008-10-1 10:35 PM 發表
- g3 z9 P: b" q% nos.tvboxnow.com*** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 ***
. ~. O! Z; i* [, p* ]tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
) W( P7 Y4 L7 x+ TTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
) Z- t* a/ T3 K# M" k; T4 xos.tvboxnow.com2. 邊個o係呢個貼打thanks for sharing 之類,os.tvboxnow.com' w; b0 H* L) d
即當灌水即禁言無情講公仔箱論壇# C- G/ M. O0 Z  I5 P

) G" W2 O! W% N" I' ^; o講到明,公仔箱論壇0 B$ V! n0 l' I2 [7 M( t
.I see solutions not problem..........
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anyone know pucxxxx or suxxay area can get pretty de mm???公仔箱論壇; A$ V) ]9 |2 Z8 Z

  \2 S3 G; `2 F3 c1 Z/ Hos.tvboxnow.com[ 本帖最後由 error403 於 2008-10-3 02:39 AM 編輯 ]


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原帖由 ccy6899 於 2008-10-1 10:10 AM 發表 " H, U; [6 g) s& }! S
the sri petal111g car4 up got many massge.at 2nd floor good.RM45 1 hr plus rm30extra.u mz tell the bos u wan good n young de.very good massge.
" \' Y7 n* B* J+ d" C; |' x公仔箱論壇公仔箱論壇) K, X3 z# r6 u0 q1 H' L+ T& @9 j