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kuxxxx lama有新开的中国妹按摩,有位红牌MM,今晚就去test drive。

回應 4everMU 第 541 篇文章

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Hi, my dear brothers, taikos and kakis. Yesterday my friend and I went to Kxchxi Lxmx (reported by 4everMU). We went to the massage parlour for some fun and relaxation. It took us quite some time to locate it as there are no significant signboard about it. after giving them a call, then we found it at last.
! \. x4 z, M8 Q) WTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。When we get there, we were greeted by a guy with a cup of water. After explaining that he is working part time and there are only 2 masseuse working only (1 chinese, 1 thai). After requesting to look at them 1st, I wanted the Chinese 1 as she is famous for B2B. After having a fight with my friend, at last I decided to choose the thai girl and my friend chose the chinese 1. As i entered my room, my girl (Joey) took off her clothes and help me undress as well. Then after I lie down on the mattress she helped me to massage. to be frank, the massage were just so - so. Nothing special, but having a naked women massage for you is a really different experienced. After that she start her B2B, she pour some massage oil all over her body then she massage me with her breast! ( her breast was only 32b but it's quite nice too. her nipples were beautiful too.)
! W2 k7 `; w% g: o: H# z9 sHalf an hour later, she ask me to face her, then she massage me again with the boobs. After a long nice chat (something that I usually do), she asked me how i want to cum? through BJ or HJ? When I asked for BJ, she say a tips of RM50 will do. Then after thinking for long (RM50 like too expensive) I finally give in as she was luring me with her breast! And she started giving me BJ. Her skill was quite good like she really enjoyed having BJ for me as she epit her saliva all around my dick and suck it like it is a sweet lollipop. When I almost going to climax, I did not tell her that I will cum, instead I shot into her mouth! She did not angry but she say I am naughty. After cleaning, we dressed up and we left the room.公仔箱論壇  v' q) c5 ~/ l3 k: D; C

" z3 h# F; X8 bNow the interesting part... Will I return? I would give a YES but I will not do it frequent as it is quite expensive. Let me list down the charges below:
$ }8 z' a9 b9 ]1 Y/ ^% n( {5 UTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。$ U- u7 O& h; }
Massage + B2B = RM150
& ~  i  E# z- \: ]6 w3 N$ v0 F& DTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Tips for BJ       = RM 50
# `7 H( P! h- Y: e! J3 ]- f, ]! i6 atvb now,tvbnow,bttvbTotal              = RM200 (RM30 cheaper than finding Kelly)公仔箱論壇3 k% A% y: R$ q8 s1 y  Q, Y
Rating             = 7/10
/ U4 i0 C# C: W, ^+ ~; jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb4 I# t' s0 A( Z, C1 q) s
As for my friend, he did not have BJ but he gets two shots instead. also with a RM50 tips. And he say that her girl has HUGE boobs and he too will return again but not in the near future. Perhaps a month once?.... 6 z% b$ B, e7 y& d- L+ K( x

4 H$ v" y* x: H; HTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Hope you all will enjoy my report. PM me if you don't understand anything, I will try to reply you ASAP. Thank you
; ]9 m5 n( Z) f$ l& xtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb公仔箱論壇9 d- [4 i" I( S+ o$ F; n, n7 Q! O8 p
Oh ya 1 more thing, may I know how to increase my 閱讀權限? Can anyone help me or teach me? thank you.
原帖由 lsf7899 於 2008-11-10 11:21 AM 發表 os.tvboxnow.com. S$ I# B) B4 r( x- b: e3 B1 K
b2b 在那里 找了几天 pm 回我或說楼下是作什么 ? thx thx
os.tvboxnow.com4 _  y: q5 M0 Y6 \2 K! `% d0 Z9 L5 [

% Z# P% _- y8 s. B0 ]tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb请问你有pm我吗?公仔箱論壇: b8 B3 w, N* q) k5 T
原帖由 ckwfly 於 2008-11-10 11:40 AM 發表
( B6 q! k: g/ g% X5 x. m; u! sos.tvboxnow.comHi, my dear brothers, taikos and kakis. Yesterday my friend and I went to Kxchxi Lxmx (reported by 4everMU). We went to the massage parlour for some fun and relaxation. It took us quite some time to l ...
os.tvboxnow.com0 B& W" c  v* O; b* k$ `+ R+ S0 y

$ O* T* A9 E5 g0 ^" g* e' q3 w很高兴你可以分享你的事后感想,那个地方很容易找,但是店就的确很难找,据我所知是没有招牌的吧。
3 q1 f6 P7 a2 I5 j( ~# V3 S! v/ d& r一进去就脱光光,然后光着身体按摩,爽死人了,我去过某个地方是按摩后才脱的。。。。& e) s9 m! ]$ V
你的朋友还放两炮,简直就爽死人,我也许会考虑拿中国MM,因为我喜欢大波波。。哈哈公仔箱論壇+ p# M: X& p3 P

回應 ckwfly 第 544 篇文章

can u pm me the phone number o show me how 2 go there ? let me know wat shop at downstair o nearby , thz!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can anyone reconmmend where got good services MM? such as after services, she will teman u until time up..and not juz go away after "shot"??
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哈哈!小弟今天终于排除万难杀上kxxxxx Lxxxx的邪骨!享受完后马上回来向大家报告,并且掌握了准确的位置!果然如之前所说的,一进去就帮你脱光光按摩(与其说是按摩,不如说是帮你捉痒挑逗尼)接着她就会脱光她的衣服帮你波推,哇!!!爽!!!
& }8 m7 ?( ~  E) d1 Itvb now,tvbnow,bttvb价钱相信不用再大家说明了,silencguy已经明确告诉大家了。
  p3 ^, i2 s3 T+ C+ U& ^- \9 Z小弟今天选择的是一位PRC MM,三十岁左右,样貌ok ,是个大波妹,不过她的有点太大导致不够弹手,但是奶头十粉大坚挺的,拿来波推的感觉的确不错,帮你前推后推后宰前推后推,用奶跟你打炮!哇!如果你顶不顺射了的话之后再要求她跟你BJ ,但需另外付费,你就可以在那里射两次了!这是哪位PRC向我推介的服务!(TIPS:不用那么心急要她帮你射精,慢慢享受她的波推,待时间差不多了才要求BJ )之后就和她一起去冲凉洗白白!tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb  x  L- W% e% }0 I6 V

1 [8 y4 c- i& Y9 [, D; Z# _4 m& dTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。哈哈!大家一定心急正确的位置!不用PM我啦!这里向大家解释!就在吹吹水对面Continental轮胎店楼上!有招牌,不过是美容院的招牌,exxxcelle bxxxxx cxxxxx
" r+ N( c; b/ cTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。公仔箱論壇, f$ p$ ]/ ~5 e9 m/ ^" i
很可惜这次没有看到其他的MM,老实说一个钟头都用波帮你按摩会有点们!最后的评语是:不去试看真的会后悔,试过以后要不要在试就随你喜欢了!(因为小弟之前再spa有遇到一个马来MM做波推三味兼一炮只收rm228至今回味无穷,毕竟肯做波推的MM可遇不可求)献给尚未尝试过波推的朋友!!!TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。0 L9 @$ v* u2 h( [$ n

& }6 f( n9 }1 U! n" p0 _TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。PRC 评语:身材75 ,样貌70,技术80,口技50,态度90


  • error403

Kxcxxx lxmx de B2B 中国的MM胸部虽然大,但是她的样子可以做我妈妈了 。还是找泰国的MM比较年轻,按摩又舒服 。最后还发现中国的MM是有点肥才会有大胸部。
请问如果没戴套BJ中病的机率高吗(我的DD 的头还有插伤的伤口)?在大马的中国妹妹会有性病吗?。。。。。。。上了之后现在有点怕...因为要是中招的话怕会传给女友。。。* K, r' Q3 c& E' _
请问各位大大都已养每戴套让MM BJ 吗?
if no wear condom...get HIV is 100 %  wish u good luck

回應 vampire8 第 554 篇文章

sorry i mean if no wear condom ML will get HIV in 100 %