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allencjh. 公仔箱論壇% E$ J8 n0 y6 q* F& e3 c
oh ya, it this... u know any place more cheaper?? mind to share or PM me. thanks.
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hi, can someone pm me the okt phone # for vistana ? [email protected]
496# allencjh os.tvboxnow.com! B; D4 `, R) q: \2 j

& b/ h& j$ P2 J' J9 `1 }tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbokt told me ..services so & so only .. 公仔箱論壇" k- J) j' F3 c" O0 p2 v. e
so i not yet try ..... i also waiting for someone post the FR ...
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hi allencjh, can pm me vistana okt contact?
Exploration to Danoktvb now,tvbnow,bttvb; q  y) T( L' s4 p: {
Date: 19/7/2011 (tue)TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。. ]7 j# ?2 e/ f( w6 }; Y5 ]; n3 |
Time: from Pg depart at 4:50pm, reach Danok around 7pmTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。0 f9 t) M+ q0 ]5 n9 N
Venue: Danok (thai, nearest to Bukit Kayu Hitam).
0 m6 A: z, C" ]' N2 ^* kos.tvboxnow.com tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 k7 \# @5 }" L3 @- y* h  K
Bored about Pg night life, reading many website and blog about cheaper and good service about thai night life, then suddenly take leave on Wed, depart on Tue, 4:50pm, before 5pm to avoid terrible traffic jam from bayan lepas to seberang jaya.公仔箱論壇: Z3 o6 n/ c" p% _2 x
公仔箱論壇" }+ ^7 m6 `7 I4 ]
My car is not under my name, and I do not bring garan and do not ask my dad write authorized letter for me and I suddenly want to go yeh, so I park my car in Chang Lun (kedah) Duty Free shop there. And pay total of RM26 to counter. RM5 car park, RM1 small white card to passport, RM20 taxi from chang lun to thai custom (journey only take around 10 minutes)
4 U  X; q, @" O$ M" Z# t, qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
+ M5 t" j4 w7 R: |After Malaysia custom and reach Thai custom, walk out from taxi, Thai country is in front of me, quite excited about the night life! Take RM1 put inside the passport then pass though the thai custom.
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new stock from Simon. 19 years :D) N  y. o0 b2 y! W& B
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This is Danok, Malaysia time is 7pm, but Thai time is 6pm, I see my hp, the maxis line is still available. After thai custom, just find a hotel named River Grand, in my right hand side. 1 night RM69, double bed, quite nice inside, there is a mirror installed at the ceiling, when lie on bed, can see the mirror, is it to enhance atmosphere while making love? :-PTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。+ Y6 t- U' {0 g
os.tvboxnow.com) g* z' M) G9 m0 k! m
Ok, tired a bit, then take a shower, and start to hunt. Year 2009 I went to hatyai, stay in Lee Garden, try Turkey Massage at Pink Lady, RM170, only 1,2 hours, this times, plan to have the excited sex war whole night!!!
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Walk along the street, compared to pg, the Danok area is quite tidy, I mean the arrangement of buildings and roads, square shape, easy to recognize, will not make you missing.
( O# i9 m+ ^1 V os.tvboxnow.com4 T& ?  k2 x3 ?' ]" {3 K0 a
Multifarious of “shop” make me hard to do decision……….. “massage”, “karaok”, “pub”………which one is most excited and which one should I go? I must choose a good one to spend whole night. I come alone, so I plan to walk walk 1st. I spend around 2 hours to walk and visit, I do not dare walk so far away from thai custom, to avoid my maxis line down.os.tvboxnow.com6 q: b# O  B2 x- W- n; H
3 p* a4 j3 _, M
There are many many OKT along the road, when passing there, they will call you “Mr, come in find a girl lah”, “Mr, want girl or not” with Hokkien language. I just smile and reply “no lah, thanks, just walk walk 1st”.
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My purpose is to understand the “market” 1st haha, however, still being forced to enter some “shop”, due to some OKT very hiong! pull me go inside, compared to hatyai, here the girls ok lah, do not expect to high, but unbelievable is, accompany whole night only RM200++ nia!!! If in Malaysia, at least RM400++, cool! I found the right place haha! But I still decline those OKT, and plan to visit other shop 1st.os.tvboxnow.com2 `" w( l7 u2 X' D
  D: W' @  @2 b# K
9pm something, my leg start tired, and some streets I walk twice before, and some OKT recognize me and ask me “hei brother, still can’t find ah? Come lah come lah”, and I still decline it.
' [& P& C# O; [! b5 d  l  r公仔箱論壇 os.tvboxnow.com$ l% L$ L+ |+ ~% Q4 f) J- w& \
After 2 hours hunting, when plan to find a girl, the OKT, who is around 40++, ride a motor and near to me, and say with Hokkien, “brother, I fetch you go to my shops and see lah”, my leg tired, so I sit on his motor, and start chat chat. Oh, he is Butterworth people, talk Teow Chew with me, ok lah, I can speak also., A% c* U$ b7 G
! i: S2 i) l8 P0 o  R9 G
The quality of girls are not very high, but at least, I feel that I am respected, the OKT ask all the girls come out and sit in a roll, and let me choose, most of them are 20++, but when I ask the price, the OKT tell me all are RM300. Oh shit, it is hard to decline him already, I sit his motor mah, so I ask to visit 2nd shop, unlucky, the 2nd shop I entered before, those OKT are friends.os.tvboxnow.com  g- o) w& t- [  u

" m! U3 L$ W4 [- l; ^7 a( I2 dTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Never mind lah, I choose which the OKT recommend the 1st shop. Got 1 girl, OKT recommend to me, the girl named Amo, 20 years old, OKT say nice service, 155cm++, small size, the boobs, ok lah. The OKT says, sometimes if choosing the face too beautiful or boobs too firm, when going to hotel, here can’t touch there can’t touch, or after f’cking once, then won’t allow you to f’ck twice, or find another excuse to run. So, I choose the nice service better.
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Ok, the OKT fetch me back to hotel, I tell him my room is 601, he asks me to pay him money 1st, and request for RM20 drink coffee. I come here for happy mah, RM20…..ok lah, just give him, and go back my room, wait and wait, very nervous haha! I did not sleep with a sex partner before. After 10-15 minutes, she arrives and knock my door, when I open, she is talking phone.os.tvboxnow.com$ q/ e7 |' X0 g7 k) q

$ ]) D2 N/ z& y! aTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。I go back my bed, she sit on my bed, after few minutes, I start chat with her, she only can talk thai and mandarin, ok, I use mandarin. Quite friendly, but like a child, after chatting some bullshit, we proceed to bathroom, she help me bath but, she use towel cover herself, keep a distance with me, scare me make her hair wet gua. Ok, after I bath, she says she want to bath herself. I go out lah, and sit on the bed.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ B( M- p* [- T

5 G  t% F: a- ^os.tvboxnow.comQuite long also, she come out with towel, my towel is still with me. And she come up to my bed and chat chat 1st, sometimes I try to make her towel off haha! And she pretends to be shy. I prefer to cultivate the atmosphere 1st rather than straight dressing off and f’ck. But, sometimes she talk thai, I do not know her meaning.
- N0 C0 u* c7 A# W" U# @( }* A0 Hos.tvboxnow.com
4 `% i! @9 ^) {( i- @- q( z公仔箱論壇Ok, the aircon is switched on, and I feel cold but she feels hot! She doesn’t switch off, ok, then we cover ourselves inside the bed sheet, I take my towel out, so as her. She starts to lick my nipple, and her hand also attacks my bird, not so professional but I just let her do whatever she wants.
' _, I  ^+ i4 | 公仔箱論壇9 I1 T( \  K- M9 i, f
Suddenly she stops and lies beside me, I thought she will lick and lick and blow job. Ok, then is my turn, I use “boy up girl down”, kiss her neck, boobs, press and press, her boobs not so big, just ngam ngam lah, and her scream…..even none. Never mind, I hug her, whole body sticks with her body, try to enjoy deeply.公仔箱論壇& M3 G. _3 P) Z3 e6 r
公仔箱論壇9 y5 E( T8 w& j3 r3 I0 e; B$ N! g" {
I throw out the bed sheet, she take the condom and help me wear, and start blow job. Compared to Malaysia, Thai girl mostly do blow job with condom, this is the biggest weakness. Not much feeling, I lie on bed so her long hair obstructs my version, I want to see her how to lick my bird. I ask to change style, I stand up, she lick, yeah, my top is mirror, it is a nice scene when seeing in different view haha!
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I want to insert her! She lie down, ok , I use missionary 1st, sometimes I use “guan yin zuo lian”, she sit on my bird, her moan still ok nia. Then, finally I change back to missionary, and increase the speed of rhythm, her face like very pain. I think that, she will accompany me whole night right? I should take care of her feeling to avoid she treat me unwell. Ok, I ask her whether she fill pain during i f’ck her? She speak thai, I can’t get her mean but based on her face and tone, I guess it should be “aiya, you still concern me ah? really bo, male only focus on their feeling nia mah”.公仔箱論壇4 p5 k3 o- k/ q8 x; ?4 g
公仔箱論壇, t9 B$ w1 I" {8 n6 P) Z! x
Ok, I won’t let the unnecessary thinking take my time so much so I straight f’ck her deep deep!!! make her moan loudly a bit. Her moan is quite worse actually. Never mind, at least she coordinates with my request. Finally, I shoot. She go to bath, I use toilet paper to clean myself first.
9 u9 d9 Q) |1 \# l 公仔箱論壇. Z4 r/ m, |/ O7 ^" B& a7 N
Later we go out eat, wan tan me / bee hun t’ng/ chicken wings/ teh ais, all less than RM20, then we go 7-11 buy things, very cheap, buy around RM60, I buy some wine / snack food / toothpaste / shampoo / ……., I ask her take lah what she wants, but she take only 4 items around.公仔箱論壇) |7 J6 p  x; `6 P( o- T; s

7 a. V' a  _* _Then go back hotel. We drink and eat some chicken wings because just now too full. After 1 bottle of heineiken, I feel some drunk already, and got mood to create another sex fighting, when start, she try to decline, but finally, I beg and beg, she allows, yeah!!! Pay RM320 already, must f’ck her enough enough haha! Although the 2nd times…is not very good, but worth lah.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。  ?( u) y8 u% m; @1 l5 U5 O7 S

& @( P& J" R0 r9 m( |When want to sleep at around 1:30am, she still take care of me, help me cover the bed sheet, sometimes hug me. Until 4am I only can really sleep, because 1st times to explore, a little bit “bo guan xi”, hahaha!os.tvboxnow.com- V! D- k4 _' K4 k
0 Z' O+ x2 A7 ?% ]3 k; i; j
Morning, Malaysia time 10:30am she wakes up, bath, then my turn. She says bye bye to me and leave when I want to leave also, she doesn’t wait me check out together, haiz….公仔箱論壇$ P+ E6 D# i& c/ B) D% h* w6 o

  X; [6 @/ x' n' u, [% m2 i7 E5 jos.tvboxnow.com12:00pm, I leave from Thai custom, go back to pg: o: F# b4 i) g
公仔箱論壇$ A, d0 I6 C( F1 i0 {  c# ]
Worth it? Ya! Really worth it, but I will try another girl, not for this girl.
  |! x& p0 o- J& W0 G7 S3 i; _  S公仔箱論壇 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb( R9 [$ l( p" W, e5 s$ o
Face: 7.5/10os.tvboxnow.com$ Y2 u$ C, k* ?' a2 a* T' }4 H* T" a
Boobs: 5/10公仔箱論壇4 z3 a' [% t# F6 n2 l
Body: 6/10
3 @& {8 T  N9 A公仔箱論壇BJ: 5/10
" f( a5 c5 L8 q3 s2 y* ATVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。FJ: 6.5/10
* Q0 n$ g. J  m( Los.tvboxnow.comGFE:8/10- @5 m3 q2 T, v# {* N4 s
WIR: yes, but for other girl
6 {7 a1 ]+ Y$ B5 @Damage: RM320
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