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原帖由 BlueDevil_Man 於 2008-10-20 09:02 AM 發表 公仔箱論壇2 U5 u& |! l6 t$ L6 L# |* H& B
hahaha guys...why dont we make a club for all of us and ask someone organize a TT (like car club gathering) then we can share our info mahhh....more shiok lehhh...My first choice for our club dai kor. ...
8 P: p2 M- o- i0 R

/ `+ J0 t* n, \1 k4 h4 ?( O. S你的提议不错,赞成!!!!
halo.... everybody here who noe any contact MM o location at sri petaling o tmn connaugh... pls pm me ....thx thx a lot
Oklah then...Mr.P=SilentGuy then Mr.VP=4everMU lohhh (the most talent ham sap guy )

回應 白金定律 第 2 篇文章

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原帖由 BlueDevil_Man 於 2008-10-20 12:14 PM 發表 4 \2 K" D; n- d- `& z2 Z* I" s
Oklah then...Mr.P=SilentGuy then Mr.VP=4everMU lohhh (the most talent ham sap guy )
+ G( d/ e$ n$ V7 b& d3 fos.tvboxnow.com
1 `& K- P7 K, B# m! |1 }os.tvboxnow.com为什么有我的名字?
Got P then must hv VP oso mahhh.....Lets vote for it guys,quick quick
原帖由 BlueDevil_Man 於 2008-10-20 02:20 PM 發表
  `* X) M4 ^3 b* A" A3 O: S3 J/ |5 bos.tvboxnow.comGot P then must hv VP oso mahhh.....Lets vote for it guys,quick quick
4 x# w2 D# V+ Itvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
  x# \3 N* |# z0 ]6 r" f酱都可以

回應 BlueDevil_Man 第 333 篇文章

0 F1 y& E- G0 c9 jthat is good idea...TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。  R7 V4 i8 J4 j, O  ?# J6 ~; r& {
leng..... Mr. V = silentguy , Mr. VP = 4everMU..... :P
bro can i open 1 in seremban where can find china MM and Thailand MM 1?

回應 vonhong 第 11 篇文章

pls send me her contact no. thanks
all the big bro here..... d. L" {1 F: b2 B
i'm juz wan to ask bout Sap Chuen9 c% A! z- }  T* Z' }, v  N4 P& s3 z6 m
can anyone told me where is tis place located
# @' R7 |& o5 ]4 b' h9 Y$ M
各位大大~~~我是新手~有舍好的康头在KL这一带可以找的到吗?价钱不是问题~重点是有素质哦!!有那位大大可以做好心可怜一下我吗。。 ??
& I! s. p0 Z6 }+ h$ Uos.tvboxnow.com有哪些好地方~好MM电话号码可以给我吗?
1 b1 E* M" ~% H4 S公仔箱論壇拜托各位大哥啦~~PM我这可怜虫~~ ~~谢谢各位大哥~~~

回應 silentguy 第 320 篇文章

Bro, got PM you ah.... But din get your reply..  " S% b; `, Z6 G! ~

good good...

hahaha,..... i agree too... silentguy become president.. n 4everMU become vice president... then 1 day we can all gather 1 bone shop n all go ther.. only our club member... hahaha.... all agree??