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lastwinter, chuan84, busukhoo, remember to post your FR :-), enjoy~~~
im newbie, just found out about this site, any bros mind sharing contact in pg? im going there next 2weeks.. will be staying at sunway gt hotel, any good recommend?os.tvboxnow.com) d, U/ x" V' q
info will be much appreciated..
i go to penang for 3 days starts from tomorrow. Pls pm me numbers so i can have fun!公仔箱論壇" E8 M- S$ N1 c7 `/ y+ X
thanks ya bro!
i at penang now...no numbers to call ...all bro, pls help a
last month, on my visit to penang, in desperate need cause i got no contact, I went to cititel, price is a bit expensive RM70s + RM150 for extra, there i find yoko, quite good skill, if you dont mind about age.. which in my estimation is 30s or so
last month, on my visit to penang, in desperate need cause i got no contact, I went to cititel, price is a bit expensive RM70s + RM150 for extra, there i find yoko, quite good skill, if you dont mind  ...
; l4 V) J% M% _' J7 l7 [; L1 \tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbpolipop 發表於 2011-3-29 11:25 PM
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。- Y/ {& m( U5 c: H( G0 H7 t
/ `" ?( o: V% j' m+ j0 e
where is yoko??? can describe further?
She's working at cititel spa, a bit story about it, early in the evening on my visit to pg, 5 {9 A# i& N) G0 q. [* _
feeling like wanna do some massage cause feeling a bit tired with the activity there, so head down to the spa downstairs, and pay the fee to the receptionist, but then the phone is ringing and the receptionist picked it up, after that he told uncle beside him that (cant remember the num) has already taken, then I head to the room escorted by this uncle, then i asked him about previous calling, can i choose number? he said yes, what number do you want? I randomly pick one number and he said, there is no such number here. Lol, he then said I'll pick one that okay for you... I said okay..
7 Q5 w  {. }5 V! ^  {) o: ^% }os.tvboxnow.com; @; P* D! b2 _4 p9 A* [
First impression, not too bad, she wears high heels and makes her kinda look sexy..  I'm paying her a compliment by saying you look sexy, she smiled, we chatted a bit, asked here where she came from, she said she came from ipoh.
! y: H- L9 K7 A公仔箱論壇TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。- q# [7 \$ Z4 e( @, P
Proceed to the massage, i don't know if its coincidental or not, but she then sit on to my back, and as she moved around my body i could feel her pussy rubbing on it.. its a warm kind of feeling.. and that really turn me on.% i6 Z$ g0 k2 E' E" j% `

  j. }: F( _  ]( o" b; M0 ftvb now,tvbnow,bttvbAfter the massage, she whispered in my ear about doing some extra, then i asked her the price, she first said its 50 for happy ending and 200 for ML, then bargained down to 150.. Out of my expectation, her skill's good! I came freaking fast, can't describe it, i mean her move and everything, she's just doing it at the right spot, it is a surprise cause I came really fast compare to the hot and much younger PRC I banged few months back in Hongkong (fyi, she compliment me for being so by saying "You're really good, I've come twice and you haven't) LOL.
请问farlim哪里有按摩院吗特别服务的按摩院吗?或别的地方酒店特别服务都可以,请pm给我龟公号码 谢谢 =)
295# jinnychu1
, N: O# l  r1 s6 `# C8 ~$ T& Q4 _you didn't read the mail from lonely planet? the shop is near to farlim ...
295# jinnychu1
' E" O/ B- L- @) s1 Eos.tvboxnow.comyou didn't read the mail from lonely planet? the shop is near to farlim ...os.tvboxnow.com. v& m- z4 P2 z; `6 b0 U
kennethncl 發表於 2011-4-3 10:37 PM
; H& R5 o! C4 g& ~+ ETVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。; x' }+ s4 `) Y0 b$ F
习惯就好,很多人来这边都是来拿资料的,没关系,拿了资料去玩了后就和大家分享,没有贡献也没关系,但阅读之前的大家post的东西,是最基本的,也有人懒到这样,真不懂!还问那些人家已经post上去的。最讨厌就是开口就是“小弟刚来pg,有什么好介绍吗”,pls f*ck off!!!
小弟。。。我为人一直以 “低调“ 两个字,在槟城找吃已有十年的经验。。。
) d2 @& `' O- r$ k" f5 L& Zos.tvboxnow.com大大小小实战经验。。就不说了。。知道的炮场也不少。。。(只限于槟岛)公仔箱論壇4 f5 [8 s; ?& y( s2 O- u  C, Q
想找吃的狼友。。。留言让我知道你想要的是什么。。。假如我有你要的 。。我会pm你。。。
; n2 q/ g5 F( a' \9 r0 w# o小弟也借持。。这机会向 lonely planet 道谢。。谢谢他无私的供献。。
- n* {1 o1 ~; F7 lTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。谁有“本地escort girl" 的电话。。也可以pm我。。。小弟我感激万分。。。
277# LonelyPlanet
( s5 d  N2 {3 J9 eos.tvboxnow.com0 S% Q! k, r$ r! y
I'm new, brother, can PM me the number??
' _+ W) O5 M! ?6 q) h1 [0 ythanks..
I just change work to alor setar, new here, but found long time adi, just know where can hj only in alor setar, no ml / bj. So, if know where at least BM or penang, i will go and try and post here. ;)
- Z3 \* O; E* A- X% T8 Jthanks.
guanlee, felixyh, hewjerry, joan, allencjh, jinnychu1,
2 A% u+ C2 b$ R0 G  r. i公仔箱論壇number sent,tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 b7 L0 P( a# J
enjoy it
小弟。。。我为人一直以 “低调“ 两个字,在槟城找吃已有十年的经验。。。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ I; k7 v$ D. @) f! ~4 C
大大小小实战经验。。就不说了。。知道的炮场也不少。。。(只限于槟岛)公仔箱論壇, I  P8 m# Q$ p* i6 N, e% Z
想找吃的狼友。。。留言让我知道你想要的是什么。。。假如我有你 ...
1 ^& \8 y8 @7 i( P7 K% ltakban82 發表於 2011-4-7 10:07 PM
# Y& x9 t. L; s0 T4 J' t4 b, gTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
3 I, T: a2 M/ s  q6 I公仔箱論壇welcome