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ipoh where got girl for whole night wan?
1 _0 D, O5 q) l. K公仔箱論壇and safe....公仔箱論壇0 e9 Y# _( F' w* i5 z$ t
if gt can pm me?
1 U) I1 n3 |# N. dthks all of your guys info
台灣.有开!hill city hotel 有呵!souna 包上,才rm148.00 .
台灣.有开!hill city hotel 有呵!souna 包上,才rm148.00 .
# m& d; z. S) v& p' g* Z/ X/ B公仔箱論壇power99 發表於 2010-3-13 11:37 PM
公仔箱論壇9 S3 C; t9 M5 S9 T# {
hill city hotel where go up ? and how to ask ? i want try
. Y! h" {0 N8 a0 @* S- O! A0 k& BRM148 is china girl or lacal girl ?
u walk in the spa, then person in charge will let u know....
have try one tomyam, this tomyam can speak cantonese.......overall good..
269# jeffwong77
7 g2 S1 m  I% E# n# Q4 ?1 l" i4 qos.tvboxnow.com公仔箱論壇0 d4 i$ Z* W% D( w: q: A! {+ I) t

, Y+ @3 H) G$ Y5 k6 q8 O( \- q公仔箱論壇where is the actual location and near where can tell clearly
! R6 t' h8 M' C" Atvb now,tvbnow,bttvbcan pm me% v7 p3 W4 d( Z& W
thz lot
the hill city not 208 for one shot meh8 H  v& Z$ G( B2 c! p$ C& W8 l. O
go spa and then will ask??
hill city 蛮好玩的地方,我也是那而的常客!!
got picture? can send to me? i have interest!
taiwan change name alredi!!! i forgot the name....
hill city really RM148 for spa and special service ? or got other charge ?
taiwan change name j xi ka!
where is the taiwan(J ci ka) actual location