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回復 #2348 hongting 的帖子

I know....it's super slow
that's why I haven't play for a long time


回復 #2337 jo7878 的帖子

好耐冇見你online啦... jojo... 幾時得閒搞下個股市呀... 好耐冇做過野啦...

回復 #2349 blueocean 的帖子

我覺得而家forum越來越慢... 一日慢過一日.. 都唔知點解...
衣架ok wo,之前就係好慢。

回復 #2344 pangck 的帖子

原帖由 yfgary 於 2008-4-20 03:52 AM 發表
好耐冇見你online啦... jojo... 幾時得閒搞下個股市呀... 好耐冇做過野啦...
i have work to do copp day  ..but   been pushing all comp ga...also  i ask everyone to help push too..your comp buy in 500 hand still only go up 5% jor ..will try from tomorrow to help ppl get rich first...i msn u la...
原帖由 baBysTrawbeRry 於 2008-4-19 11:13 PM 發表

i din recieve o..:onion03:
超大型MP藥水     baBysTrawbeRry     45     送禮     2008-04-20 07:05:01
大型MP藥水     baBysTrawbeRry     75     送禮     2008-04-20 07:04:53
光爆術領悟之書     baBysTrawbeRry     4     送禮     2008-04-20 07:03:48

that all i have .. other will help u ..
原帖由 lyw1114hk 於 2008-4-19 09:33 PM 發表
我需要 大量紅寶石同復活寶石~~ 唔該

打左成日 咩都無  唉  累死人
成功贈送給 lyw1114hk 450 個 紅寶石!

成功贈送給 lyw1114hk 20 個 復活寶石!
Can anyone give me 騎士 tools becoz i will choose 騎士 in turn six ..................

THX ...................

In turn six , choose 騎士 is better ?? Any suggestion / exp. ???

is it 大地朮 + 氣血朮 ????????????

[ 本帖最後由 iamwilliam 於 2008-4-20 12:39 PM 編輯 ]

回復 #2357 iamwilliam 的帖子

dont do 騎士 in turn 6. In my suggestion, do 騎士 in 8 turn, this will be much much better!!!
原帖由 yfgary 於 2008-4-20 13:15 發表
dont do 騎士 in turn 6. In my suggestion, do 騎士 in 8 turn, this will be much much better!!!
that mean also still use 法师 in 6 turn until to 8 turn ???

thank you for gary info.......................

回復 #2359 iamwilliam 的帖子

yes... i think is much better..... 法師 is more easy increase lv, when the lv is under 600.....
原帖由 yfgary 於 2008-4-20 14:56 發表
yes... i think is much better..... 法師 is more easy increase lv, when the lv is under 600.....
OK !! thanks for suggestion !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
成功贈送給 blueocean 1 個 王者疾靴!

I have one more set of this , so ........

More ,  Can anyone give me the 經驗卡
or attack card  ???

[ 本帖最後由 iamwilliam 於 2008-4-20 06:28 PM 編輯 ]
jojo7878 i will aways support u n love u