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回應 白金定律 第 195 篇文章

BTW . Bro, silentguy . can u share some contact.Pls PM me.Thanks in advance
may i know what is 2 way damage , 3+1 damage, 5 way damage@@ newbie hereos.tvboxnow.com# C9 D: n2 `  _1 B! l. v5 s
5 way@@tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb& t& F$ p. ~1 t. H5 s; n- J: E' T0 T

4 F+ A' G% D, w9 ftvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
: t: ]. w! e! q7 ]: [3 w
# ]/ x4 \+ G  s( htvb now,tvbnow,bttvbby the way, silentguy can pm me the contact also?hehe% K: S3 {8 b" ^8 e) ?) O

. u3 M( \  u% D" B, R) oTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。[ 本帖最後由 sparc18 於 2008-10-9 06:26 PM 編輯 ]
原帖由 silentguy 於 2008-10-4 06:29 PM 發表 ; j1 l9 c* {$ c; f  |; u; I! C
今天要和大家分享下按摩服务,在上几页我都了解到有不少KAKI都很喜欢按摩哦!其实大家平时去按摩时大多数都想一面给MM按摩同时又能够把玩MM,对不对?当你去按摩院时,如果是位漂亮MM帮你按摩,可是对方太年轻,手势都不很熟练,只 ...
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 E7 u( _8 a, q) o8 y5 U+ ?1 o
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 Q/ ~9 s' U: V8 D7 y: ]/ x
Dear silentguy,
- `0 U9 D/ i  O- d( w公仔箱論壇你好。。我是这里的新人,从来没有试过去玩。。。请问可以PM我e2和这个tmn dXsa雅X的地点吗??谢谢.
1 a9 R9 `- f) g8 b$ g! x4 ^tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb试了之后我会在这里分享我的经验
原帖由 白金定律 於 2008-10-9 03:52 PM 發表
  k/ P, @" ^) Q1 kos.tvboxnow.com不错,POST地址出来,会害到大家以后没有地方去玩而已~~!!!。
tell me what wabsite plz...
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
谁知道KL哪里有 算钟头的? 好像一小时,你要发多少炮都行的? 我不要那些只可以射一次的。。 有好介绍吗?谢谢

hi all.

every good boy here... since that so many ppl wan this contact n wan that contact.. dun wait ppl to Pm u to tell u... pls send a personal message to them n ask.. for me.. i always got reply.. n give out the number in message... here not convenient.. somemore wan ppl PM 1 by 1?? message ppl pls...
. G- J; c7 v* M7 r7 S# d: T公仔箱論壇& n; y# \* M- l. I' U
KL got no such service that counted by hour... last time got.. but too many complain d.. u dun think that girl inside the room can waste ur time anyway... bath with u for 25 minutes... etc.. hahah... so too headache n no ppl wanna do hour de... coz nobody is robot... once reach that hour only need to stop d? will u?? haha...
5 \4 s7 m, F/ ~9 K" |* i8 L6 U. b
for my personal experience.. i always go find those inside hotel 1... n first times is 150... if u go q often.. my agent will give u discount.. 130...is also depends on the girl... after 1 shoot... u wan somemore... then u ask the girl lar.. ask her give u discount since she no need to report up the second shoot.. so she can just collect the money as her own lor... no need to give to the agent lor...  am i right??
" D8 x5 H" y6 _! Ktvb now,tvbnow,bttvbtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 y! F5 y' V$ W3 Z5 |9 s* y$ z" O4 A
if u really wan this kind.. choose that kind that is not so "hot" de... coz if the name is "hot" then got a lot ppl will go find her.. or first time u go find her.. get her contact.. then after that u go home call her ask her u go find her lor.. n give her tips n wan 2 shoot lor.. she sure say"yes" de lar... right? somemore if her service is good then u will go back lor.. if not good service then just forget about it lar... haha...
& I3 g! f8 k5 G* x; t- Utvb now,tvbnow,bttvbas what i know... those China MM if u good with them... they r actually q friendly de.. my friend even can get FOC... this depends on ur skills lor... buy some fruit for her when ur second visit... tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb( Q& f$ y- R0 N) O, Y

1 @6 M1 b1 _3 i  Q4 ], dthat's all for this times...
& x9 z8 v* R( v7 j6 b+ O5 [TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。hopefully usefull...

回應 lsf7899 第 193 篇文章

lsf7899.... wher  r u from ???do u know wher is Old Klang Road ???
原帖由 白金定律 於 2008-10-9 12:46 AM 發表
; S8 e7 a6 s4 Y6 q& UTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。PM询问的我已经一一的回复大家了,我本身是还没试过,大家试了几的来分享~~!! 谢谢~。
# [* D) M* q# H2 F* f
; N2 q$ d8 |" D0 d+ V, F
I Got PM you~why u din reply ?? = =~~
can pm me the website as well? thks

回應 GNG 第 203 篇文章

how to find inside hotel 1 ?
今天又来了位MM, from 太平的。
: ]! V# P8 A9 S( L还有位住家菜。。。不过我今天没那么需要。。不好浪费钱先。。哈
: Q* r& H/ e1 }0 S等我的金丝猫来了再说咯。。。等。。。
有谁会认识一些专门搞 性爱party 或 group sex 的KAKI 呢?我想认识下咯。。没玩过。
/ z1 d1 |/ X) r( P你们也能告诉我你们有谁玩过这类的游戏呢?
昨晚去了bandar bar+ kla++的按摩店,在jaya juc++附近店名是d plac+,里面包吃,按摩,sona,价钱rm69但是bj加多rm50,有thai and indonesia妹,样子还oklah!