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1668# LonelyPlanet
- S) E' q" s. c, ]TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。jan when? i follow!!0 ?) }" c* ?8 R
about going to danok, is there any bus or minivan go there from penang?公仔箱論壇3 Y1 Y# z  t$ D8 F! C3 h. Z
please share information to me thanks
: _+ E$ N5 p- @' F, O3 u3 xtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbguludo 發表於 2011-12-3 12:09 PM
$ ~6 s5 d( @  M, F8 q, a6 b: X. A公仔箱論壇
7 r5 E8 B/ ~% D; o( B1 g. ^. u2 X% qos.tvboxnow.comother transport i dunno.
+ H3 \4 q6 U5 w( D4 A- s) S公仔箱論壇my car full, u can drive?
1668# LonelyPlanet
* }% m2 R* V/ f, s# K: htvb now,tvbnow,bttvbI Finally I had found my Passport !!!!!!" a) b8 m1 k$ o, |" _! q
raiden10991 發表於 2011-12-3 06:42 PM
$ o5 }( y. B& i5 n! |os.tvboxnow.com
! B3 a2 _; k! M0 E' g噢,danok将会有多一个泰妹受苦了哈哈哈!
bout danok, we normally go on tue noon, come bek on wed noon, 公仔箱論壇) j5 ~7 v5 l& A: D
date wil confirm to u asap
$ c! ^9 @/ d. W) ]' j% k' i2 @公仔箱論壇不知道那位大大可以pm给我神雕的号码吗??
$ c$ B  b6 H1 Z1 y5 h$ X* Aos.tvboxnow.com感激不尽~
Dont use passport too much to thailand next time goto apply visa in other country will be kena rejected... Please use border pass. If u wan to get border pass but not perlis, kedah or other state ppl can look at me.. I got kangtao for u all
1679# andy82 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 t  ^& A6 O4 s' z! m
bro , I need your help ^^ , what is the kang tao ? can work bo ??
1675# LonelyPlanet 公仔箱論壇1 _* z) G2 y1 _9 `+ J( G3 a" K
dont have car here...
1 Y! e9 J9 Q& i2 [9 Kos.tvboxnow.comwill find some info about tansportation to danok
1679# andy82
% \1 b/ G- m" e; w$ L. m" |4 G; ^tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbi am  foreigner not taking malaysia passport, can get border pass too?
谢谢lonelyplanet希望我所提供的资料可以帮得了你们。在这里我也想跟大家分享一些我的经验,如果你是比较少去dannok玩的朋友。最好是住oliverhotel为什么我会这样说呢?因为在oliverhotel那里是比较集中比如:yes pub(看show), paragon(摇头), kiss society(比较高消费ktv),一排去有5-6间农场,7-eleven,按摩'洗头'修甲样样有。最好的就是不比坐motor花钱。可以省最少200株。但是有一样不好的就是晚上的时候比乱那些音乐的声音比较吵。如果你想要找个晚上比较静的地方不防试一试Siamthana hotel有浴缸重点是浴缸旁的窗可以打开,一打开就是你的床了。你可以躺在床上看着美美洗澡哦。新satit对面停车场旁边的嫦娥也不错小姐大多数是中国会讲华语。应该有整百个小姐消费不高一瓶酒120株小姐可以慢慢选市价2500-3000株。合家hotel的kiss me以改名love me哪里的小姐比较有机会,要看你的口才。啤酒每瓶170株如果叫多瓶可以在单上签名有折扣。love me是属于(2nd round摇头)因为哪里现在已经营业到凌晨7-8点。KPK Hotel二楼KTV的小姐也不错陪坐500株,啤酒方面开24瓶比较划算2880株房间免费。如果你是常客我想信你只需开12瓶1440株就免费房间了。如果以每小时来计算200-300株一小时。哪里的小姐很会喝酒。注意服务员很多小心给你的小费哦。
  J" h6 j0 B$ c  ?TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。% Y3 f' v% Q- ^2 L3 e4 d1 w
朋友们好好享受男人的天堂"公仔箱論壇3 R. u2 X5 y8 p; D

% N! T3 g: N, n, f3 B" f' xAndy" 2 i8 x8 l" |! i* b
About the border pass how much? Izzit valid for 6months & can be renew?: K0 B/ J) T  s* o
Just do the fake borderpass only... i confirm to you all once my agent reply me. last time i also use this.
Finally i have chance to share my FR with you all. I went to Danok with friend last saturday. depart from penang around 5pm and reach approx 7pm. After settle down my vehicle at the border, we were like " Heaven, here we go!" First thing first, get a budget hotel for the night. We came across Sattit Hotel which is cost RM48 per night. A room with double bed and we decided to get both of us each. After shower, we went for dinner at the roadside along the hotel. Then we were thinking to get chick and called the OKT which is given by my friend. He sent us the ladies according to what we requested. I get myself the one who look like 17 years old. RM410 for both included cd and "shower cream". We went back to hotel again while waiting for our ladies to get ready. Half and hour later, she knocks my door and i was like "Beh tahan liao". She put her stuff away and we chat for awhile. After that she took me for shower together. During shower i enjoy with her by licking her boobs and slowly guide her to f*ck on the bed. Took me half an hour for that and we rest for awhile. Around 1130, my friend and I decided to pay a visit to Hello Bangkok. We left them at hotel since they look tired and refused to go with us. Nevertheless we are forwarding to the club. We ordered ten bottles of beer which has cost rm200 i guess. playing with the ladies there with fun and enjoy the show till we half drunken. Ladies there are allowed to touch around their body too if they enjoy with you guys. We went back to hotel after that and of course i ask for sex with the chick before sleep. After sex then sleep till tomorrow and ask for third sex again. Total 3 times she gave and i gave her some tips before we left too. Thats all my FR. Hopefully you guys can share as well.
( m& k- N' d6 R# V$ g& L* F公仔箱論壇And my final conclusion in danok, Lui liao Lang pun siao~ hahahahahaha
Finally i have chance to share my FR with you all. I went to Danok with friend last saturday. depart from penang around 5pm and reach approx 7pm. After settle down my vehicle at the border, we were li ...os.tvboxnow.com( R, C7 m2 ~9 b& x1 G
jimmyctsean 發表於 2011-12-5 08:43 PM
% y6 @' n) T7 I1 H/ a! v4 I: R

; {" C' w, a& b1 L" Xtvb now,tvbnow,bttvba danok wolf again hahaha! well jimmy, nice FR! support u, when wanna go again? haha
本帖最後由 guludo 於 2011-12-5 11:07 PM 編輯 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb# B- |( ^" s- F& Y! {2 [( C
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 X' n, V, a+ B" v
1685# jimmyctsean
- x# K4 b0 D( f% n0 I4 y  C/ Mos.tvboxnow.comcool man...
! [) g* n: d) r% F% f有沒有人知道若不是拿馬來西亞護照, 沒有泰國簽證可否從penang去danok?tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb# w. o3 D$ t# ^0 u# s  l4 a
os.tvboxnow.com5 E4 X9 g" g( u- e" z& W
4 ?' K) B4 }2 s* {8 Utvb now,tvbnow,bttvbafter studying from web, I got it... it takes 1000 baht) M4 U, d: h3 R* y4 B
ok i will give it a try!
haha! wait money dry first! Btw, pm me the Indon number pls.
u mean shella? PM u d