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可以给我知道在哪里???? 2# Toyota100
wat u wan to know?
62# Toyota100 就是想知道麻玻的好去处吗???
各位老大,kulai 有吗?
muar have nothing now..but if u wan...u can try BPahat
66# Toyota100
4 c" M8 y" U8 J: Y, r- R4 ptvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
1 C6 I. f% q7 g& y  X5 q9 L
; S/ G# v# P& D' Jmuar哪里有的叫雞?要2
u may try on pelangi lo..
pelangi hotel..AT Muar
any1 here try SKY b4 ? now the disco hv change into papaya garden le, inside all china girl
71# jekyll5379
# [" A! D1 l% ~1 s1 A/ w. q' G$ Z. Sos.tvboxnow.com% {3 V/ X" ^& |- y7 i* W. z& L

& B4 B+ v) b2 R% N0 Y5 B2 Itvb now,tvbnow,bttvbwhere is the sky?at muar?
i want go mlc.
7 _3 L8 }5 g, c3 g0 y% w( Pos.tvboxnow.comany nice place or mm there?, g+ q( a" f. g7 k* F' J; ?* f  ]
hope all tai kor can guide me...2 V2 H7 r5 M" Z/ l' A/ o
heard from friend can find young malay mm ther..
malacca got china mm. Just can call her out. She will bring u to hotel.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb8 `" q' }) C! D  R. F$ N
skill good, look ok. I got mm number. Vietnam also got. Looking for anyone exchaged information.
i live at melaka...
0 m0 m1 T, F. k1 D( K; J公仔箱論壇cn give me the mm number??
9 q  z* R5 f" q9 }( J, i; zos.tvboxnow.comu can email to me at [email protected]