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原帖由 bryan1231 於 2009-3-27 12:28 PM 發表 - k% k, n# K* A# K
so far i still dont have know any massage centre got special service de...tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb- t! O  W3 g% e0 w8 M* R
so little ppl in this forum is from mlc 1 ar? haiz....
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb' _& k! s4 ]1 r

' f' q' L! }( n7 N. d; R
( y$ V* i) R) J% @4 U! Hi heard that got 1 at melaka raya...got special service...but tat day my friend go..seem no kang tao..

回應 Toyota100 第 46 篇文章

oo... is it ? mlc raya which road? pls pm to me... i go and see see then update to u all... tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb: o6 Q/ {+ ~5 V5 W7 W2 f( E
is it ok Toyota100 ?
is a massage center near the fishing pond there

回應 Toyota100 第 48 篇文章

oic... will have a look at there... + n7 e( U( P1 X; \2 u$ F
other then there, any interesting place can be find ?
long time no go melaka already...so hard to tell u now...don just simply asking info from here, share some info to us since if u have...
Dun come muar la..all old chicks, very hard to eat. Previously at Riv*rview there got younger 1 but now not sure. I play at KL now. keke.
原帖由 matrixboy007 於 2008-12-12 11:07 PM 發表 * h# x1 ?3 V! p3 T& G. I  p2 \$ I2 C
MLK R*!v3r Bar真的很差,agree Toyota100讲的。。。
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb4 n4 g+ _8 x  \
i agree with u....the women can b my mama....
原帖由 muarkia84 於 2009-4-27 04:56 PM 發表 - ?/ T# j* A: N+ e( ~2 Q# L  V+ m
Dun come muar la..all old chicks, very hard to eat. Previously at Riv*rview there got younger 1 but now not sure. I play at KL now. keke.
mlk also no young chick la...kl got or not???
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anyone try the new massage center near Gxixt?
JB got ma???
JB where can enjoin the ''spa"???
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JB不知道有沒有住家菜。。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。/ z4 U# w5 x7 c  _
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