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Brother....ur information damm cha.....yesterday me and my friend going the melaka new R*ver bar......all old aunty.....sad...after we see we all run.......haiz...waste time...* p; D1 W1 X2 v( i2 f( C

6 J) L  w$ }1 x% z7 {6 K8 K( J/ o[ 本帖最後由 Toyota100 於 2008-12-3 11:41 PM 編輯 ]
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yalah....if wan give...give good information ma......
昨天去了batu pahat的一间spa..在G*rden H*tel 的。。 设备还不错的。。但mm就真的很差。。。有谁有去过的?可以分享吗?看是不是只有我那么惨
MLK R*!v3r Bar真的很差,agree Toyota100讲的。。。
原帖由 Toyota100 於 2008-11-29 08:56 PM 發表
# L& w/ Z3 J! a# P6 ^& x3 v! F# jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb有阿。我有muar 的。你要 的 话pm我。
4 q, r# {8 ~* |, \, u. v' Dtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb, M0 w' ~+ t0 t  o1 _) _

* l: h) Q4 U' W8 kbro.. can u pm me.. thk....
pm me wat u want...i will pm u

回應 Toyota100 第 23 篇文章


回應 toro217 第 24 篇文章

you can go EDxN hotel, hotel Sel*sa......i will reconmend the EDXn hotel,cos the quality of mm is better

回應 Toyota100 第 25 篇文章

where is EDxN hotel? can pm me? thanks

回應 alex83 第 26 篇文章

Edxn hotel at the "tax free" area there....

回應 Toyota100 第 27 篇文章

where it located ? batu pahat? or melacca?
To all dai ko, i know 1 pub at mlc r@y@ name Sp@rxx.. inside got few lui very ''sok''.. local and ''imported'' also have.. feel free to take a look at there k...
原帖由 bryan1231 於 2009-2-11 12:05 PM 發表 TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。5 H* h4 [- W; Z0 c4 ^  _. t5 S
To all dai ko, i know 1 pub at mlc r@y@ name Sp@rxx.. inside got few lui very ''sok''.. local and ''imported'' also have.. feel free to take a look at there k...
/ \/ D7 [  N( [5 z, n

* K  A* f8 x" a( w% ?9 vhow sok is that? and how much is the price? beside? u try b4? i don wan later i go try then kena eat by dinasour