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[閒聊] 槟城好地方

1. berjaya hotel, pulau tikusos.tvboxnow.com) x& A/ `, |3 ?# s; ?
2. red rock, near komta公仔箱論壇/ F# c) p! o0 k. `1 Q( ?
3. paradise hotel, near komta
7 u8 K. r! F- h6 s* s/ D公仔箱論壇4. de palace night club
; l4 B4 J$ |( e6 `os.tvboxnow.com5. 夜上海 night club
price???thx thx
Click & Earn Money -> http://cbclickbank.com/affiliate/?r=joshlier04
september going penang. want go hunt.
berjaya,paradise and red rock the price all is around RM200.公仔箱論壇. p- Q7 i$ V/ n, H8 Y  V# @/ N& x1 o2 T
night club is caculate by hour.
# y& q' u4 g, S( [: ]公仔箱論壇berjaya sometime can get the korean and japanise. the price may be pay RM20 - RM 60 more.
wah! really or not? i want japanese leh
see how good luck you have lar....tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% U% h! j2 ], b) l
only sometime, i think their part time only
hope i would meet a pretty gurl there! hehe.
有freelance的介绍吗?tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb9 c7 V% J" I% ?
os.tvboxnow.com* f5 g$ x/ c& k: |2 _- i( A
may be u try to go gurney there, many pub there.os.tvboxnow.com. i9 y! _" G1 z4 n
a lot of pretty there, see how ur luck....公仔箱論壇/ v, N( Q* ^5 K! i
good luck to u>
原帖由 wtp60301 於 2008-8-20 11:21 AM 發表
$ c. d: b' N- U1 D' Los.tvboxnow.commay be u try to go gurney there, many pub there.os.tvboxnow.com' @0 R  B7 [, K5 y8 h# U) F5 w0 W- t" H
a lot of pretty there, see how ur luck....tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ f$ \& H: r; {: G" \  X4 ~. z1 z; a
good luck to u>
6 Z! n; Q. u# b0 E" @6 jaround gurney got new pub?公仔箱論壇8 D; r/ X" Q% X; ]. R5 P1 @- s5 V
usualy u go where ?公仔箱論壇# V% E2 w5 ?  W: T# ?) L
service nice o not?
  ]4 b/ y; S+ MTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。公仔箱論壇' x7 y1 J; W) ?0 J, d0 Q
i'm new 2 play...TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。. L7 L5 V& T7 y) c1 |
usualy blow only how much ?
haha wanna try already.


Red rock Komtar? A pub or what? Where is the Rd Rock and Paradise Hotel? Can tell me?
i can't really find the berjaya Hotel one.
0 I& D9 P4 Q2 [: ?& m公仔箱論壇It is the 4th floor one? I saw lot of China MM very nice ass and big ball.6 _3 P; i! P- ^! w, v1 S) F* O
I went in they said is KTV only.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb9 u8 H: o2 ^5 u
Need a guide or any contract...os.tvboxnow.com- s0 g0 ]! a% U5 r5 |& s& C. b7 z
Already go there the 2nd still find no road

回應 wingkazami 第 13 篇文章

berjaya hotel at Midland megamall or one stop, near advestise
can be specific ? Thanks for the info