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本帖最後由 Pedestrian_A 於 2016-2-6 03:21 PM 編輯
今日係年廿八, 武當派誠邀各位食返餐團圓飯.
凡於此帖開始, 至美東論壇時間年廿八晚上11:59分到訪武當既朋友們, 均可得到一席位.

家家團團圓圓! 是是順順利利!
更祝貓貓早日揾到好工! ...
pknoface 發表於 2016-2-6 09:15 AM
pknoface 發表於 2016-2-6 10:09 AM
ob51330 發表於 2016-2-6 01:58 PM
武當今次準備咗全齋宴喎. 咁呢啲龍虾唯有留返比本掌門算啦.
pknoface 發表於 2016-2-6 09:02 PM
the lobsters will eat all the fishes in your fish tank
當然咯. 大多情況下和大多公司都讓員工自己作主要不要超時工作, 呢樣野好複雜. 要看情況而定.
pknoface 發表於 2016-2-6 10:22 PM
lhy92725 發表於 2016-2-6 10:31 PM
本掌門好好. 多謝水晶. 起日本遇到靚既, 仲係處女既靚女唔該同本掌門留返個啊. 返黎既時候帶佢上武當啦.
pknoface 發表於 2016-2-6 10:32 PM
Pedestrian_A ~ good morning ~

... during CNY you A/L for how long ~
... ask you "mrs" cook for you ~ ...
fls125 發表於 2016-2-7 08:11 AM
Hi 125
A/L stands for annual leave?  I have 0 day annual leave during CNY
We are going out for dinner on CNY eve.
Take to you soon
Please forgive Mr. A can't reply you this moment because he is too busy to cook for his Mrs. After dinner he needs to do clean up and dish wash......
pknoface 發表於 2016-2-7 08:21 AM
My wife and I went out for dinner tonight
~ Mr A .... .... btw, can he cook
fls125 發表於 2016-2-7 08:31 AM
Pedestrian_A can cook so can you
I do some simple cooking for my dog everyday.
He never invite me so no comment on that. Important thing is Mrs. doesn't mind!
pknoface 發表於 2016-2-7 08:57 AM
Because my wife is not picky!  We both complain about different restaurants don't even know how to cook.
doesn't mind即系硬啃
lhy92725 發表於 2016-2-7 08:58 AM
doesn't mind=有水準
佢地兩個應該拉埋天窗前已經習慣晒咯. 呢啲叫你情我愿咯.
pknoface 發表於 2016-2-7 09:04 AM
i almost forgot you had never seen your wife before getting married
無聊遊戲Part 8:NBA籃球猴年賀歲波!
本帖最後由 Pedestrian_A 於 2016-2-8 04:24 PM 編輯

