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主任, so which part of china that you go often?
kinglong 發表於 2009-7-12 01:53 PM
我從事 Logistics, 主要客戶都喺大陸, 平時用電話聯絡, 無事無幹都唔洗上去
就算上, 都只係廣東省, 唔會太遠
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主任, what are you doing today? Sunday wor,....
kinglong 發表於 2009-7-12 02:08 PM
五天工作. 星期五, 六就會蒲吓....
星期日好小出街, 多數都係返老媽道陪吓老人家
你呢, 有無同事一齊架, 悶起上嚟,,,,有咩搞呀
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Miss might get lost in Shatin,................hehehehehe
kinglong 發表於 2009-7-12 02:41 PM
Miss 好鍾意睇電視, 我諗佢都應該係睇緊
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Me too la,.... 5 days working only, but usually I will go to my
friend's house for dinner on weekend. Because they know I am the
only one in here. 悶起上嚟, most of the time was going to buy the
mo ...
kinglong 發表於 2009-7-12 02:31 PM
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time for me to go to bed la,.... 12:00am,
talk to you guys tomorrow. it is nice to chat
with you ( 主任 ). good night
kinglong 發表於 2009-7-12 02:58 PM
早唞, 下次傾過
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I bought a house here long time ago ( when I started at work ), the company provide
hotel for us, but I dont like to stay in hotel for long time. Also long time ago,
the house in USA was cheap, I bo ...
kinglong 發表於 2009-7-12 02:56 PM
有無 check 吓間 house 而家值幾錢呀  
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tony_142 發表於 2009-7-12 05:27 PM
Hello Tony
都玩咗半日喎 ^^
啱啱睇完美女厨房, 今集幾攪笑
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Fian. 發表於 2009-7-12 04:35 PM
整咗個咩~嘢沙律呀 Miss
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椋名凜真係好得呀 ^^
tony_142 發表於 2009-7-12 10:05 PM
16 歲嗰條女先嚇人, 真係衰咗 11 都唔知呀
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Fian, what is the name of salad?
did you put the tiger prawn in?
mmm..... must be good
kinglong 發表於 2009-7-12 10:54 PM
Must be excellence
咁早起身, 返工啦 Good morning
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tony_142 發表於 2009-7-12 10:22 PM
同條女玩黐手, 唔知有無剪咗片呢
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today is sunday, I will go do the housework and laundry.
Also go to supermarket for grocery shopping
kinglong 發表於 2009-7-12 11:26 PM
哈哈, 幫唔倒手添
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tony_142 發表於 2009-7-12 11:29 PM
Good night Tony
Good night everyone
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Good evening Miss & everyone
~我能抵抗一切, 除了誘惑~
Good evening Miss
寇仲~ 發表於 2009-7-13 07:19 PM
Hello 仲仲
又去咗邊呀, 行得未呀, 等咗你好耐喇
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