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illegal download...you are no good
blueocean 發表於 2010-12-12 08:03 AM
Not so loud - want me to get into trouble ?
so run off lah....都预佐你ge la。。。。
Good Morning Good Evening Good Night Cafe..

Swarovski Christmas Tree at 101 Taipei
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月光 王宏恩

作詞:王宏恩/卡菲爾 作曲:王宏恩
清清的河流 靜靜蜿蜓在妳的雙眼
妳的微笑牽動著漣漪 盪漾在湖面
青青的山脈 緩緩起伏在妳的眉間
妳的沉默牽動著晚風 輕輕吹過我耳邊
妳是深山百合花 默默綻放不說話
搖擺山風最輕柔的撫慰 仰望滿天的星光
深山的百合花 沉睡在我夢境遠方
伴著思念最遙遠的飛翔 還有今晚的月光
無聲的夜晚 微風輕輕吹拂你臉龐
黑黑藍藍靜靜的躺在 謎樣的大地上
本帖最後由 SweetLemon 於 2010-12-12 11:00 AM 編輯
1972# SweetLemon

Baked beet roots in their skins are also yummy, the sweetness concentrats after baking, full of flavour.
cordho 發表於 2010-12-12 09:42 AM
Bake in tin foil? Need to drip olive oil? Can eat the skin too?

Below is what I found on web, but think I can bake it like potato, wrap in tin foil and throw in oven for an hour.

Baked BeetsBaked beets are tasty and allow you to simply get them cooking and forget about them until the timer goes off. Especially helpful if you don't have any room left on your stove top for one more pot or pan! Plus, they're very simple to make.
Unlike other cooking methods, there is no need to scrub the beets with water, because the water would cause the beets to steam. So simply clean off any dirt with a paper towel, if desired. Trim the roots and stems to 1/2", but there's no need to cut the beets farther than that.
Place the beets in an oven-proof baking dish and cover (foil works fine). Bake at 400 degrees for one hour, or until tender. (Depending on the size of the beets, you may have to cook them a little longer.)
Remove from oven and let cool. Then simply slip the skins and root off with your fingers. You can leave the tail on if you're eating the beets whole, or take it off.
Beets can be chopped, sliced or diced at this point.
本帖最後由 SweetLemon 於 2010-12-12 02:18 PM 編輯
A real nice song, so smooth, so pleasant, beautiful lyric too.  Love it.
norman.ho 發表於 2010-12-12 02:04 PM
Try listen to the aboriginal version....

Km 。。。。
Hello to ChowOld and Norman....
Good Evening Good Morning Good Night Cafe...
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Andrea Boccelli *~*Besame Mucho*~*

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Ce Train Qui S'en Va 遠去的列車 - Hélène Rollès

Je n'aurais pas du venir 我本不该来
j'aurais du savoir mentir 我本该学着撒谎
Ne laisser que ton sourire 仅将你的微笑尘封在记忆中
Vivre dans mes souvenirs 我本应该放弃希望
J'aurais du laisser l'espoir 就这样和你说再见
Adoucir les au revoir 看着这趟列车
Ce train qui s'en va 渐行渐远…………
Qui part
Qui part
Je savais qeu serait 我知道这样很难
Difficile mais je pensais 但我还是得学着
Que je saurai te cacher 将自己的感情隐瞒
Le plus grand de mes secrets 但对你撒谎又有何好处
Mais a quoi bon te mentir 看着你离开我是如此的难过
C'est dur de te voir partir


Et avant que ne coule Une lame 终究没有落下一滴眼泪
Dans ton sourire qui Me desarme 你的微笑让我放松下来
Je cherche un peu 我试着寻找
De reconfort 些许的安慰
Dans tes bras je veux 我想要的是
Me blottir 紧紧依偎在你的怀抱里
Pour mieux garder 以你的温暖
Le souvenir 来护卫这过往的记忆
De tout la chaleur de ton corps

Je n'aurais pas du venir 我本不该来
J'aurais du savoir mentir 我本该学着撒谎
Ne laisser que ton sourire 仅将你的微笑尘封在记忆中
Vivre dans mes souvenirs 但这些想法都是徒劳的
J'ai beau essayer d'y croire 一切都太迟了
Je sis bien qu'il est trop tard
JumpRope Dance by King Firecrackers - Very Innovative Moves

http://a.blip.tv/scripts/flash/showplayer.swf?file=http%3A%2F%2Fblip.tv%2Frss%2Fflash%2F1826380&showplayerpath=http%3A%2F%2Fblip.tv/scripts ...
cordho 發表於 2010-12-12 09:34 PM
This is very impressive, the coordination and timing of these kids.
Good Morning Good Afternoon Good Evening Cafe..
Watch out for snowball....
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ai  ai  ai  ai~~
dereklam 發表於 2010-12-13 07:53 AM
本帖最後由 SweetLemon 於 2010-12-13 08:36 AM 編輯

Haha, people....dont do this...