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I read a lot of net friend complain that they ask contact no. but don't call or call only for play play only...mayb they shy or fell not worth it.So i recomend the people hav problem like me plan together to go to thailxnd bcoz the budget overthere is cheaper n more fun there.We can meet some mm n share some story rather than just writing n imagine.So if u r (seriously) interest we can plan here n mayb with some help(from cheitcheit mayb)we can find our heaven.Anyone??
Oh..wat i mean is, i read a lot of complain that when the reader of this forum get the contact no., they usually don't call or just call 2 ask only.So i wonder mayb they shy to call or shy 2 go, like me also.I like 2 try but nobody companion me.My friend all married or not interested.Plus i haven't been 2 Thailand or betong b4.So i wonder mayb we(the reader) can group 2gether n go 2 betong with help from some1 like u who familiar with betong.And it not cost 2 much plus we can relax there and make a friend with kaki in the forum. So any1?
yeah your right.....i understand your situation.Nevermind,i find another lubang.Thanks 4 everything.At least ur a honest person.
where is danot?anyway now my target is pattaya.
Orrr.......a new paradise it seem...can u provide more info about danot?Thanks Jeff for recomend.
cheitcheit......Yes ur ideal is great.It's important 2 know each other first.But my intention is go to "kiu kai" +holiday. Like "farang".See beach,drink beer, see girl,feel atmosfere,eat snack, n finally go back to room with girl n do until morning.....Just enjoy n lower stress.Although the budget is higher but the time n pleasure is unlimited.So i sugest we form a group here first then like u say,we meet in some place(not necessally in pub bcos it costly n i'm just a 打工仔)like mamak stall n watch football.Then we start planning.But first we must form a group first bcoz no point if me n u meet only bcoz then it's going nowhere.Great start nontheless.
wah....why your colleague like that one....well, the girls condition u cannot control one ma.u already risk yourself by bring them 2 'kiu kai' yet they complain.Told them go 2 D la.I think u  better don't b tour guide again coz very dangerous.Don't worry we hav many other lubang recomend by our brother here.
Wah.. so happy u came back cheitcheit..u hav a longest n most interesting story in this forum during this cny period so far.I wonder how she use jibai 2 break the ballon with peanut??i guess she won't get pregnant couse she will get rid the sperm quite easily.I not so fortune like u.This cny i stay in kl n just gamble with friend n play mahjung with family.I plan 2 go 十全 but affaid no mm or got mata.But i heard from my friend kuchax lamx there got many mm.I plan 2 go there with friend soon.If i have any news i will post but after reading your journey my heart r over there already.But how can u control yourself after watching so many pretty mm????你真是ke無聊or!!!???