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are you sure?
Pedestrian_A 發表於 2015-12-8 03:38 PM
me 裝備 too weak
business trip near nagoya is 2 days and i just stay 3 more days.  that's why i choose osaka and kobe because it is closer to where i go.  still need to go back to tokyo to catch the flight...
Pedestrian_A 發表於 2015-12-8 03:44 PM
if you need to catch the flight from tokyo, then better you focus on tokyo area
you only spend 1h40m from nagoya to tokyo by bullet train, not that far lor
car car is too weak
Pedestrian_A 發表於 2015-12-8 03:45 PM
me 弱質女流
法國新人返工未夠三個月, 遲到無數次, 請病假已經三次
no hot springs
Pedestrian_A 發表於 2015-12-8 04:05 PM
day trip for hot spring a bit rush, i recommend you stay for a night
but seem your trip not that many days.......
see you wanna hot spring or only do some sightseeing in town, better choose only one
finalized...  the company invited me for the visit helped a lot.
nagoya, hakone and tokyo
Pedestrian_A 發表於 2015-12-9 04:26 PM
hakone also a good choice for hot spring, can see Mt. Fuji too
鬼佬工作態度同方法,正常。我公司亞洲人勤力唔請假,D鬼就成日call in sick
mnb1123 發表於 2015-12-9 02:57 PM
日本人更極端, 簡直就係天生工作狂, 基本上我D日本同事就算病到出唔到聲, 都照樣嚟返工
不過我嘅德國女同事就好好多, 佢返工只有早永遠冇遲
做左好似已經有三年幾, 除左上個月因為腹膜炎入院幾日之外, 基本上冇請過病假 (係病都會返工嘅人)

我自己對上一次請病假應該係三年前 (or maybe 四年前? @@")
因為智慧牙生得太有性格痛到我連訓覺都冇辦法, 所以特登請一日假去睇牙醫
lhy92725 發表於 2015-12-10 08:28 AM
lhy92725 發表於 2015-12-10 10:16 AM
照扣年假, 超級大公司 or 跨國集團或者會有病假呢個請假制度
不過呢個法國新人未有有薪年假, 所以係需要扣人工
日本人D年假基本上同擺設冇分別, 都冇人請嘅 (唔係公司唔比請, 係員工唔想請), 所以有冇病假其實都冇乜分別
lhy92725 發表於 2015-12-10 12:37 PM
我雖然冇乜點請病假, 但我年年嘅年假都請到凸, 仲要倒貼扣人工
that's why i choose hakone
Pedestrian_A 發表於 2015-12-10 03:04 PM
why red face?? i don't think hakone got mixed hot spring