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that's a damn good analysis on the smart phone market these days.  i give you a thumbs up.  however, it seems that you are bit bias on apple products and, on that, i give you a thumbs down.

both android and iOS are pretty good systems and each has its unique features.  so it's just a matter of  personal preference when a consumer is in the market of buying a new phone.

i happened to be an iDevice user for years until recently i dropped my iphone in the toilet.  then my friend who happened to be a samsung user convinced me to give the android system a try.  for the first two weeks i hated my new android phone with a passion as there were so many buttons and paths i had to explore before getting something done.  however, after two weeks and getting familiar with the system, i found it to be more efficient and much faster than ios.  i'm still using my ipad these days as i found the samsung tablets are not up to my need when it comes to ease to use.

apple is no longer in the lead in smart phone market ever since steve job passed away.  tim cook has no new ideas and it seems that he doesn't care or doesn't know what the consumers expect.  i think apple still has a piece of the action nowaday is because they still have some die hard fans and they would buy theri products no matter what.  

so in my opinion, if you are not in the lead, get the hell out of the way.  tim cook got to go.  hire someone who has new ideas and who can think outside the box -- just like steve job.