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Hi whyhung,  Thank you for posting 逆齡初戀 / スミカスミレ 45歳若返った女.  In case you are not aware, episode 06-07 that you posted a few days ago was actually 閱讀青旅行 / Travel As Reading.  Please correct if it's possible.  Thank you again.  easy8
本帖最後由 easy8 於 2018-2-14 03:05 AM 編輯

Hi whyhung,  Thank you for posting "逆齡初戀 / スミカスミレ 45歳若返った女".  In case you are not aware, episode 06-07 that you posted last week was actually "閱讀青旅行/Travel As Reading" instead.  Please re-seed ep 06 & 07 if it's not too much trouble.  Thank you again.  easy8