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G gor gor~~~
原帖由 mickeybblim 於 22/10/2008 11:09 發表

apa khabar = 你好吗 = how are you

记得bank in学费啊...
apa khabar.....any short form ar????
原帖由 mickeybblim 於 22/10/2008 12:29 發表

cikgu ..not "cligu"
cikgu = i'm fine ma??? ~~

回應 mickeybblim 第 23868 篇文章

then what is cikgu ar?

回應 mickeybblim 第 23868 篇文章

...v.difficult ar

回應 mickeybblim 第 23871 篇文章

u go to 4ppl post cc sin la

原帖由 chfong2 於 23/10/2008 13:33 發表
Master G, NBA 有赢吗?
can we see his record at Sport 投注區 ? if yes, then i go check check sin~~~
原帖由 Geai 於 23/10/2008 13:50 發表
still losing $
....... .......

u r my light then
原帖由 Geai 於 23/10/2008 14:07 發表
I am not that blackie like u   
can u see my acct? i'm v poor now~~no $$ buy football or NBA....

pls give me $1,000,000 or rob $$ with me at faifai's post la~~~i want $$$
原帖由 Geai 於 23/10/2008 14:10 發表
ur bank keep increasing
'coz i put all $$ in bank lor~~ no buy new clothes in this week tim ar

but i suddenly want to buy NBA ar......give me some cash or rob $$ with me la
原帖由 Geai 於 23/10/2008 14:17 發表
ni $ ar
u have so much cash~~~

TVB: 15442645 元
存款: 2070000000 元

u either rob with me at boss' post or fai fai's post~~~ let u choose~~
原帖由 Geai 於 23/10/2008 14:23 發表
even rob with u

with ur bad luck    dont get ur hopes up  
u r so lucky~~if u win, u share with me lor  

boss' post or fai's post~~pick one sin la
cf~~mickey~~rob $$$ with me la~~~
原帖由 Geai 於 23/10/2008 14:25 發表
they all working ar  
then u rob with me sin la
原帖由 Geai 於 23/10/2008 14:44 發表
so hard to win  
....just try try la~~or u just give me cash la