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原帖由 hi_there 於 2008-12-14 07:03 AM 發表

I just drop the King set and the Rider set only.. where is my 法神... wahahaha
原帖由 brian123 於 2008-12-14 07:26 AM 發表
soory, i mean good morning in hk.iam from europe..here is night
原帖由 brian123 於 2008-12-14 10:21 AM 發表

germany, and you
我在马来西亚,我几个月前才从europe回来,我去看EUFA CUP, 你有去看吗?
原帖由 hi_there 於 2008-12-14 10:22 AM 發表

全套了!! 但是要赢回来。。还给家族嘛。。然后可以给别人嘛,,哈哈。。我有能力赢的话啦。。 哈哈
原帖由 hi_there 於 2008-12-14 10:42 AM 發表

EUFA?? or UEFA?.. 哈哈。。。 什么东东来的。。 哈哈。。
原帖由 hi_there 於 2008-12-14 10:39 AM 發表
我会打到 炎天使剑 的,。 哈哈。。。 等久就会有!! 哈哈哈
原帖由 brian123 於 2008-12-14 11:07 AM 發表

Ha, you was in schwitzerland? i live near schwitzerland. during the uefa cup i am in basel.
no no, I was in Austria, it's hot during summer time... Switzerland I've been to Zurich and Lucern, a nice place.
原帖由 cas.cas 於 2008-12-14 05:36 PM 發表
i m here also, just wake up
原帖由 hi_there 於 2008-12-15 05:42 PM 發表
旧人没有? 娃哈哈。可怜哦。。。
原帖由 hi_there 於 2008-12-15 07:10 PM 發表
hahakl u become RIder already? gagahaha 骑士??
原帖由 brian123 於 2008-12-15 10:27 PM 發表
yes, it is very cold in europe
but im here..........
u r there study or working??

回應 brian123 第 2179 篇文章

i m also working here....so boring izit? Swiss is very boring de. I still remember the food is very expensive, 1 single fry rice selling at 15-20 Swiss Franc
but i dun like europe de, everything seems very slow, not as wonderful as asia. Where is your home country?