HIDE (曼聯迷')當前離線
原帖由 tshek 於 2009-4-18 12:46 AM 發表 well... for sure the Western Conference winner and the Eastern Conference Winner will be in the final...... it is not that hard for the number 2 question. Just need to guess how many game the fina ...
原帖由 JackyNelson 於 2009-4-18 01:17 AM 發表 您灌水 see post # 1
原帖由 tshek 於 2009-4-18 01:35 AM 發表 冇呀,可能佢怪我喺紅魔版口水太多
原帖由 JackyNelson 於 2009-4-18 01:34 AM 發表 佢走o左 小o左條大水"後"
原帖由 JackyNelson 於 2009-4-18 01:36 AM 發表 oh, 你重響度, 唔打緊, 慢慢黎喇. 唔好急 ... 最緊要快...632577
原帖由 JackyNelson 於 2009-4-18 01:36 AM 發表 Lunch sin, later Man
原帖由 tshek 於 2009-4-18 01:42 AM 發表 我已經長篇大倫到嘔
原帖由 tshek 於 2009-4-18 01:43 AM 發表 JN in NY
原帖由 tshek 於 2009-4-18 02:02 AM 發表 有計,大愛紅魔了
原帖由 tshek 於 2009-4-18 02:03 AM 發表 hahaa.... in HK???
原帖由 JackyNelson 於 2009-4-18 02:18 AM 發表 咁早....... come here to bs more Have A good Night & nice weekend
原帖由 JackyNelson 於 2009-4-18 02:21 AM 發表 I guess you are not in HK, your wording seems not in Cantonese style.
原帖由 tshek 於 2009-4-18 02:41 AM 發表 迎合各會員需要... 好隱悔吓喎
原帖由 tshek 於 2009-4-18 02:57 AM 發表 Lakers and Rockets board... most of the post have 0 or 1 reply... at least MU board have a lot of 5-7... in a game post, easily hit 80 posts...