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回復 #251 Geai 的帖子

once in a blue moon.
better than 0-0 la boring

回復 #329 visitor 的帖子

yeah u will get it soon as soon as u win some games once or twice la.:014:

回復 #328 月※月 的帖子


回復 #580 Geai 的帖子

geai will u play with us this weekend, football game.
this week for game from family, i ready want to invite ur family la.

回復 #676 visitor 的帖子

wei wei give me money first ar wei.
too late.......i already check jor 10 times la hahahahahaha

回復 #755 skylane 的帖子

this palce is mine now hahahaha..........u want to stay u have to pay me money!!!!!:024:

回復 #757 skylane 的帖子

pay me money la!!!! othwise i kick u out!!!!!

回復 #763 如來彿祖 的帖子

here is my place now, anyone comes to this page got to pay me tvb$$$$$$$$$$

回復 #765 Geai 的帖子

for u u have discount 100000 per visit la.

回復 #802 Geai 的帖子

u are ok la u bte nba wor!!!!!!!!

回復 #1036 visitor 的帖子

me too, i eanr less........